Chapter 275 Nowhere to Run

Ling Junhan walked into the hotel first. In the dilapidated hotel, there were old light bulbs emitting dim light, and some damp and rotten smell came from his nose.

As soon as he entered the hotel, there was a sound of noise under his feet. Ling Junhan frowned slightly. In his impression, there was no such hotel, but he still walked in without delay.

As soon as he stepped into the hotel, Jun Moyou saw him on the monitor. Seeing that he was only carrying Artest and no one else, he couldn't help becoming vigilant. You know, Ling Junhan is notoriously cunning. impossible!

Is it...

Just in case, she said to Lu Xin, "Go and see!"

"Yes" Lu Xin got up and left the room, while Jun Moyou walked towards Yunmo's room.

Yun Mo heard the footsteps, pretended to look calmly at the door, and saw Jun Moyou walking in with an embarrassed face.

"Miss Jun, what's the matter?"

"As you wish, Ling Junhan is here!"

Hearing this, Yunmo looked at her pretending to be surprised, her clear eyes were full of disbelief.

"Miss Jun, you are not joking with me anymore," said the subject here, "but, yes, this is in line with Ling Junhan's identity, he came here because you challenged his power and made him angry, but he didn't Not necessarily to save me, he probably wants me to die early now!"

"Don't you worry about Ling Junhan getting hurt at all!"

Jun Mo Youcong looked at Yun Mo's face, seemingly surprised, but there was no lack of gloating in it.

I don't know if she is happy for them, or happy for Ling Junhan to die!

Suddenly, Jun Moyou found that he couldn't see through the person in front of him!

"Worry, I'm afraid he won't die!"

Yun Mo looked at Jun Moyou with a smile, she knew that Jun Moyou was here to test her, so as to push her out.

Jun Moyou frowned and hesitated, "Okay, I believe you!"

"Then what should I do?"

Although Yun Mo hated Ling Junhan, and even wanted to kill him, at this moment, she didn't want him to die by the hands of these people.

Yunmo was taken aback by her reluctance, and hurriedly shook her head!
"what happened?"

"Uh...I..." Yun Mo was a little embarrassed, she didn't hear what Jun Moyou said at all.

"You don't understand, let me keep it simple, I want to use you as bait to lure Ling Junhan!"

"Okay, I think the room in front of me is pretty good, dead spot, nowhere to escape!"

Jun Moyou looked at the room, and it was indeed as she said, "Thank you for your suggestion, I believe you will not be disappointed!"

After speaking, he turned and left the room, leaving Yunmo in the room again.

Seeing that it was almost time, Yunmo hurriedly untied the rope in her hand, quietly came to the door, through the crack of the door, she saw two people who were still guarding the door.

Taking care of his heart, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he opened his mouth and shouted, "Help!"

Hearing the sound, the man in black rushed in towards the opened door as Yunmo expected. Yunmo hid at the door, and slipped out of the room at a critical moment.

When the man in black saw the rope lying aside, he knew he had been fooled, but he turned his head to see Yun Mo's back running away, and hurriedly started to chase after him.

Yunmo ran out of the room, ran in the corridor, and found that the ground was full of potholes, and had the urge to curse people. These people are simply crazy. Finding such a place where no shit is found, I really have to admire their IQ.

Fortunately, she is not wearing high heels, otherwise today would be here!
(End of this chapter)

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