Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 276 Do You Think Chess Pieces Can Hold Chess Left and Right?

Chapter 276 Do You Think Chess Pieces Can Hold Chess Left and Right?

Not long after Jun Moyou walked out of the room, he heard someone report that Yunmo had escaped. The moment he heard her escape, Jun Moyou instantly realized that he had been fooled by Yunmo.

Not to mention how regretful he was, "Even if I die, I will still see the corpse!"

She couldn't let Yun Mo escape. If she escaped, she would undoubtedly be exposed, which would be a little more dangerous for her!
Yunmo ran out of the dark corridor, and found that this dilapidated small hotel extended in all directions, but there were no lights at all in some places, but fortunately her eyesight was not bad.

Where is Hei going?
At this time, Jun Mowen and Nie Chenyi, who sneaked into the hotel while it was dark, also heard the noise coming from the hotel, and found that something was wrong in the hotel. roar.

Jun Mowen looked at the room with a painful heart.

Nie Chenyi glanced at Jun Mowen with complicated eyes, "You should stay here!"


"Mo Wen, she is your older sister, but she is also the chief culprit who hurt Xinyan and Yunmo. Although I really don't want to hurt her, but sometimes!"

"Nie Chenyi, if you can get ahead of Ling Junhan, I hope you can give her pain!"

Nie Chenyi nodded, "Okay!"

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the room where Jun Moyou was. His men and Ling Junhan's men had already started fighting with Jun Moyou below.

What he has to do now is to take advantage of the chaos to find Yunmo, so as not to let her suffer any harm!
Before Lu Xin could reach Ling Junhan's side, he was easily dealt with by Artest who came out of the blue.

"Young Master Ling, I don't want to see him!"

After speaking, striding past Lu Xin's body, his disregard for human life was heart-wrenching.

A Wu, who was closely behind him, quickly followed Ling Junhan, watching the surroundings carefully!

When everyone was looking for Yunmo, they didn't notice at all that in the tall building not far from the hotel, two people were watching every move here with binoculars.

One of them was Leng Tianao who took Yunmo away, and the other had a handsome face similar to Ling Junhan's.

Even the evil smile is exactly the same.

The only difference is that Ling Junhan's smile is full of confidence, but his smile is full of calculations!

He is Ling Junhan's cousin Ling Jueche.

"Do you think she can handle it!"

"I never thought that she could solve Ling Junhan. She is just an insignificant chess piece in my hand. May I ask if the chess piece can control the person who holds the chess piece!"

Leng Tian said proudly and disdainfully.

The flickering coldness in Ling Jueche's eyes, as long as Ling Junhan can be removed, let alone a woman, no matter how many people there are, it doesn't matter!
"You are not afraid that she will betray you. You must know that she is your wife in name!"

"Really, don't forget that the surname behind her is Jun, but as long as this big trouble can be solved, a little trouble is nothing!"

As Leng Tianao said, he waved to the man in black who had been standing behind him all the time, "Is that okay?"

Le Tang nodded expressionlessly.

He came to the window with a sniper rifle in his hand, looking for Ling Junhan's location!

Ling Junhan went all the way, and quickly swept through the first and second floors of the hotel. When he stepped into the third floor, he accidentally caught a glimpse of a petite and flexible figure. In the dark, he was like a fish, swimming around, shuttling in the dark, playing. What a joy!

Ling Junhan looked at the figure, a smile unconsciously overflowed from the corner of his mouth, he was really naughty, turned his feet, and walked towards the figure.

(End of this chapter)

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