Chapter 289 No More

Yunmo was extremely depressed, locked herself in the kitchen, and prepared noodles for Ling Junhan in annoyance, she didn't know why she made noodles for him, the more she thought about it, the less it was true!

When Nie Chenyi returned to Yunmo's house, he saw that Yunmo was not there. Yunmo put the leftovers from his meals in the refrigerator, and she washed the dirty dishes and put them in the disinfection cabinet.

Not knowing where she was going, Nie Chenyi was a little worried, took out his phone, and wanted to make a call, but suddenly found that Yunmo's phone was in his hand.

That **** found Jun Mowen, Yun Mo's cell phone happened to be in Jun Mowen's hand, he took it back by the way, and forgot to give it to her all the time!

In desperation, he had to call someone to check.

Yunmo made noodles and brought them out to Ling Junhan. Ling Junhan raised his brows up and down, and his deep eyes contained the trace of trying to kidnap Yunmo.

Seeing this, Yun Mo's heart skipped a beat, this man is really inhuman, it's a pity for such a beautiful skin.

"What the hell are you thinking about!"

"Well, the face is ready!"

Said that Ling Junhan was about to get out of bed, but was stopped by Yunmo in time, "Okay, just eat on the bed, so that I can fatten you to death!"

"Okay, then I will rely on Xiaomo's delicious food and drink to serve me during this time, I'm looking forward to it!"

After finishing speaking, he took the noodles in Yunmo's hand, took the chopsticks, and began to eat and drink unceremoniously.

The first feeling in his mouth was a strange yet familiar feeling. It was this taste. He had been searching for five years, but the taste he had never been able to taste was also the taste of Yunmo.

Thinking that it was the smell of Yunmo, he sped up his hands even more.

Seeing him gobbling it up, Yunmo couldn't help but bend down, and turned her head to look at his face, only to meet Ling Junhan's crystal clear eyes.

"you want to eat!"

As soon as the words fell, he stood up and ate up all the noodles in the bowl in a few mouthfuls. There was not even soup left. He raised an empty bowl and said, "There is no more!"

Seeing him being so childish, Yunmo curled her lips and turned her head in disdain.


Ling Junhan had a rare gentle and peaceful smile on his face, quietly looking at Yunmo who was standing behind his back.

"Mama Rong will bring you food later!"

Hearing Mama Rong, Yunmo was obviously taken aback.

Ling Junhan knew that she heard her words, "Not long after you left, she resigned from Lingyuan, and she didn't return to Lingyuan until a few days ago!"

"She, is she okay!"

Yun Mo hesitated for a while before asking.

"Very good, I just miss you very much, and want to see you very much. She said that you are more like her child than her child. You were brought up by yourself," Ling Junhan said.

"I see!"

Yunmo sighed heavily, reached out to take the bowl in front of Ling Junhan, and walked into the kitchen.

She is sorry for Rong's mother, Rong's mother treats her as her own, but when she left, she didn't even say hello to her, she must be very worried about herself!
Walking out of the kitchen again, Yunmo had already sorted out her emotions, and her calm and calm face returned to its previous cold and charming face.

"Mother Rong wants to deliver food, why do you want me to make noodles for you, you are teasing me!"

"No, it's been a long time since I ate the noodles you made, and I want to eat it!" Ling Junhan said as a matter of course.


Yun Mo turned around boredly and sat on the sofa opposite Ling Junhan, she knew why she woke up here, Ling Junhan must have asked someone to bring her here, and she was the one who was upset, why did she sleep so hard every time , I remember the last time, it was Nie Chenyi who took her home directly, she didn't know it yet!

(End of this chapter)

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