Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 290 You Don't Need to Say I'm Sorry

Chapter 290 You Don't Need to Say I'm Sorry

After thinking about it for a while, Yun Mo had an idea in her heart, she couldn't help but look at Ling Junhan's face, and saw that he seemed to have fallen asleep.

Then he got up resolutely, and tiptoed towards the door. Just when his hand touched the doorknob, Ling Junhan, who had kept his eyes closed, suddenly opened them, and a charming halo emanated from his deep eyes.

"Where are you going?"

Yunmo didn't expect him to speak suddenly, and was taken aback by him. She turned around guiltily and looked at Ling Junhan, who was lying on the bed with his eyes open, looking at him with an enigmatic expression.

"That, me, me!" Mu Ran thought that she came here to take care of him because of the guilt in her heart, so why was she guilty, and did she sign the deed of prostitution.

Thinking of this, she knew that Ling Junhan's poison investigation must have been too deep. Five years later, she still couldn't uproot him.

She turned around and glared at Ling Junhan angrily, "Where am I going, do I need to report to you, cut!"

After speaking, open the door and walk away!

Ling Junhan had no idea, one day he would be looked down upon by Yunmo and despised by her, his eyes widened in disbelief, this little girl has been herding sheep for too long, it seems that she should be brought back to educate her!

The more he thought about it, the stronger his desire to keep Yunmo by his side, he wished he could tie Yunmo up with a rope and never let her leave his side.

Yunmo walked out of the ward and came to the infirmary, where she saw a little nurse in a white coat sitting there, looking down and playing with her phone in boredom.

Looking at the mobile phone in her hand, Yun Mo's eyes drifted to the mobile phone in her hand, secretly guessing, wondering if she would borrow it from her, would she borrow it!
Just when she was hesitating, a mobile phone appeared in front of her eyes. Looking at the mobile phone, Yun Mo was stunned for a moment, and followed the mobile phone to look at the person coming.

"Heart smoke!"

Du Xinyan's slightly pale face changed from the lazy smile before, adding a lot of vicissitudes.

"Are you looking for your phone, use mine if you don't mind!"

Yunmo took the phone and smiled gratefully, "Of course I don't mind, thank you, you have Brother Nie's number on it!"


Du Xinyan nodded with a smile.

"Then I'm sorry!" After finishing speaking, he walked towards the door of the hospital with his mobile phone.

Du Xinyan's phone was unlocked, and she quickly found Nie Chenyi's phone number. Looking at the familiar number, Yunmo's mouth overflowed with a satisfied smile. She is not such an irresponsible person. How did Nie Chenyi treat her? She knew very well in her heart that she didn't want to worry those who cared about her.

Outgoing calls were picked up quickly.

Nie Chenyi looked at Du Xinyan's call, hesitated for a moment, and then pressed the answer button, "Xinyan!"

"I am Yunmo!"


"Well, Brother Nie, I'm in the hospital now!"

The heart that hadn't let go, felt as if someone had poured cold water on it, from head to toe, Nie Chenyi's voice couldn't hide the loneliness.

"You went to see him!"

"Sorry, I……"

"I know, you don't need to say sorry, then why are you coming back!"

Hearing Nie Chenyi's lonely voice, Yunmo felt a little uncomfortable. After all, she still hurt Nie Chenyi.

"I don't know, bringing Rong Ma back to the hospital, I..."

"Okay, then I'll pick you up. I happen to have something to go to the hospital." After speaking, Nie Chenyi hung up the phone, and he drove directly towards the hospital.

Yunmo's visit to Ling Junhan doesn't mean anything, he will not give up on Yunmo!

(End of this chapter)

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