Chapter 291 You forced me

Yun Mo hung up the phone, turned around and looked at Du Xinyan standing not far from her, holding the phone, and smiled unnaturally.

"Thank you for calling!"

"No, I'm really glad to see you again!" Du Xinyan still had a faint smile on her face.

"Speaking of this matter, I don't even have time to thank you. If it weren't for you, I don't know what would happen now!"

"I am also entrusted by others. If you are loyal, you have to thank Yi. He has worked really hard. The past five years have made him panic like never before. The kind of regret and self-blame after losing you, Devouring him all the time!"

"I know!" Yunmo was very grateful when Nie Chenyi was mentioned.

"But Ling Junhan has also done a lot for you. In the past few years since you left, he has been devastated every day, looking for you everywhere, and returning disappointed every time. Later, in order to make him forget the idea of ​​looking for you, he just Suggested to him that if the company develops abroad, the possibility of finding you may be greater, but unexpectedly, this seemingly crazy idea, he actually took it seriously and succeeded!"

"Xiao Mo, I always thought that I was luckier than you, but seeing two such outstanding men working tirelessly for you, I think you are much luckier than me, but you will also suffer a lot!"

After that incident, she changed her view of Ling Junhan. She is an outsider, so she can only speak from her outsider's standpoint. As for the choice, it is still Yunmo.

Seeing the unconcealable sadness in Du Xinyan's eyes, Yun Mo really wanted to know what happened between her and Leng Xiuya that made them so unlike each other.

But her sixth sense told her not to ask, it must be a sad past that the two of them didn't want to mention.

There are some things that can only be understood but not expressed in words!
"I know that both of them are very good, but I am exhausted physically and mentally now. The reason I have been living before is the hatred for Ling Junhan, but now it has been resolved, and I no longer know what I should do."

"I understand that Yunmo should let go of some things when he should let go. Don't be too persistent. Denying hurts you but also hurts others. When happiness comes, don't run away, otherwise it will be a lifetime if you miss it!"

"Heart smoke!"

She felt that Du Xinyan's words contained too much sadness that she could not understand. The despair of happiness and life shocked her.

"I'm fine," Du Xinyan pretended to be indifferent and stood up, "I'll ask you out another day!"

After speaking, he hurried to leave.

Yun Mo was a little confused, so she turned her head and saw that not far away from them, Leng Xiuyan was looking at the two of them, and instantly understood, no wonder Xin Yan was like this.

"Du Xinyan, you stand still!"

Leng Xiuya's voice is no smaller than Ling Junhan's. They are indeed good brothers, with the same loud voice and the same overbearing.

However, Du Xinyan is not her Yunmo.

There was no demonic obstacle towards Leng Xiuya in his heart, the louder his voice was, the faster Du Xinyan left!
Yun Mo was bored, seeing that the two had left her sight and the show was over, she had no choice but to return to the ward.

Leng Xiuya changed her previous gentleness and elegance, and started to chase in the direction of Du Xinyan.

Seeing that Leng Xiuya was about to catch up with her, Du Xinyan stopped suddenly and looked at him coldly.

"If you are coming, I will immediately rush to the middle of the road. Even if I die, I won't let you find me!"

"You, why are you forcing me like this!"

"You forced me, didn't you?" Du Xinyan swallowed the tears in her eyes, said hoarsely, and said in pain, "I don't love you anymore, haven't I made it clear enough? Do you want me to die? Now, you are at ease!"

(End of this chapter)

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