Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 295 Who cares about you

Chapter 295 Who cares about you

Yun Mo looked at Ling Junhan for a while, then asked leisurely, "Ling Junhan, do you have something to hide from me!"

Mentioning the matter, Ling Junhan thought that without Nie Chenyi's interruption, he could plan on Yunmo without any scruple.

He raised his eyebrows and looked at the ward. In fact, on the second day after he woke up, he didn't like it here. The pungent smell of medicine, noisy footsteps, and the most annoying women all made him upset. distracted.

In order for Yunmo to be here with him, he had no choice but to endure, and now that annoying Nie Chenyi has been dismissed, he can take her home now!

"I'm not telling you, yes, I don't like this hospital very much, the strong smell of medicine, the sound of tapping footsteps, I can't sleep at all, so..."

What he meant was obvious, he didn't want to stay in this dark hospital anymore!

"You can leave the hospital, no one is stopping you!"

Yun Mo said indifferently.

"Okay, then we'll leave the hospital today!"

As he said that, before Yunmo could react, he picked up the phone and said, "A-Tai, go through the discharge procedures for me immediately. I want to be discharged immediately, so act quickly!"

Artest froze for a moment, wondering where Ling Shao was singing now, he just hoped that they would not be implicated!
Ling Junhan hung up the phone, stretched out his hand to hold Yunmo up, "Let's go, let's go home!"

Yunmo withdrew her hand like an electric shock, glanced at him strangely, curled her lips, "If you are discharged from the hospital, it means you have recovered, so it has nothing to do with me, so the two of us, go back to our respective homes!"

After finishing speaking, seeing that Ling Junhan hadn't recovered from the astonishment, she walked out of the ward with a smile on her lips.

Just right, and save her trouble.

Don't think that she doesn't know what Ling Junhan's plan is, he is just trying to trick himself back to the Lingyuan, and he doesn't know what kind of plan to deal with him after entering the Lingyuan.

At that time, she was like a fish on the chopping board, only for the sake of being slaughtered!
Wanting to get out of the Lingyuan and return to a free life is harder than going to heaven!

"Oh, wait, Xiaomo, you won't be so irresponsible!"

"Who cares about you!"

Yunmo left the ward and walked towards the hospital door. She didn't expect to be able to get out of the sea of ​​suffering so soon. I have to say that she is in a great mood!

Yunmo walked out of the hospital, and was just waving at the side of the road to take a taxi back to her Weitianju, when Ling Junhan's car stopped right in front of her.

"Get in the car!"

"I do not want!"


"You are so insidious, I am afraid of being fooled!" Yun Mo said without any concealment.

The corner of Ling Junhan's mouth couldn't help twitching for a while, saying so blatantly about him would be taking him too seriously, besides Artest was driving.

Seeing Ling Junhan's aggrieved appearance, Artai hurriedly turned his head away, and tried his best to bear it.

It was the first time to see the omnipotent Young Master Ling with such an aggrieved look, it was really strange!
"Do you want me to get out of the car and pull you? I was hurt because of you. If other people find out, you are so ungrateful. I don't know if they will..."

"Okay, don't belittle me," Yun Mo opened the car door resignedly, and sat next to him. I really don't know where the former Ling Junhan went, but now this scoundrel is really a headache!

"I want to go back to Weitianju, if you agree, get in the car, if you don't agree, pull down!"

"Okay, you can say whatever you want!" Basically, Ling Junhan has resigned to his fate, the current Yunmo is too smart, not as easy to fool as before.

(End of this chapter)

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