Chapter 296 Are You Asleep?
Ling Junhan sent Yunmo to Weitianju, and left in a hurry, but instead followed Yunmo as a matter of course.

Yun Mo looked at him as if he was familiar with me, and she couldn't help standing still, her clear eyes were full of helplessness, and she stared at him without blinking.

"What do you want to do?"

Seeing Yun Mo staring at him with displeasure, Ling Junhan pretended to touch his face, but found nothing.

"Is there something on my face, or is mine too handsome, making you so out of your mind!"

Of course, he only said this after he drove Artest away!

He didn't want to lose any face in front of his subordinates.

Yunmo, who saw the scene of his eyes towards Artest, stretched out his hand to support his forehead in pain, when did Ling Junhan become so thick-skinned.

"I want to ask you, Artest is gone, how do you go back!"

Ling Junhan gave her a blank look, "Of course, wherever you are, I will be there. Is it possible that you want to abandon me? You must know what you said, you won't leave me before my injury is healed, you won't Talking doesn't count!"

Yun Mo thought she was in the wrong, unable to refute, turned around angrily, and walked upstairs!

Yunmo opened the door and said to Ling Junhan resignedly, "I only have one room here, so if you want to stay here, you can only sleep on the sofa. If you are not used to it, then I advise you to go back to your Lingyuan Bar!"

Ling Junhan looked at the elegant room, everything was neat and tidy, he had come in before, but because he looked at Nie Chenyi, his mood was not so beautiful, so he didn't look carefully.

Now that he has calmed down and looked at this house calmly, he has to say that Nie Chenyi has a good eye. The transparent floor-to-ceiling windows can take in all the beautiful scenery of City A, and all of it is in his eyes.

The elegant layout makes people involuntarily relax the tiredness of the day and enjoy the beauty of life!
"It doesn't matter to me, it doesn't matter where I live!"

I secretly added a sentence in my heart, as long as there is a place with you, it is my paradise.

"Okay, then you can do it yourself, I'll go change clothes!"

The clothes on her body were full of a pungent potion smell, which made her very uncomfortable.

She was originally a bit of a clean freak, and she had no choice because of the environment before, but now she can't bear it anymore when she returns to her own home!


Ling Junhan sat on the sofa, his deep eyes fell into the bustling city through the window.

Perhaps neither Yun Mo nor Nie Chenyi had noticed that the direction of the window happened to be his strange peak, so they looked thoughtfully at the closed door.

With Yunmo's intelligence, did she really not notice, or...

He pinched the bridge of his nose slightly tired, leaned gently on the sofa, closed his eyes slowly, and fell into deep thought.

Yun Mo took a shower casually, changed into clean clothes, and when she opened the door, she saw Ling Junhan sitting on the sofa, closing her eyes and falling into a doze.

His pale and bloodless face revealed exhaustion. Although he kept pretending to ignore it, how could he be fine with such a serious injury.

Maybe she shouldn't be so stubborn, living here is very dangerous for Ling Junhan, in Lingyuan, how come there is Xu Haomin!

"Ling Junhan, are you asleep!"

Ling Junhan opened his eyes and looked at Yunmo who was wearing a white one-inch shirt. He found that Yunmo loves white, just like he loves black. From before to now, it has never changed!


(End of this chapter)

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