Chapter 300

Jun Mowen did not send Jun Moyou's body back to Leng's house, but took it directly to Jun's house.

Facing Jun Lintian's pursuit, Jun Mowen didn't know what to say.

"Grandpa, can I talk to you alone!"

Jun Mowen can't bear the look of his second and third uncles looking forward to the show. They are from the same root, so why is it too urgent? This is related to the affairs of the Jun family. The schadenfreude of the play.

He doesn't feel any warmth in this family, only the hatred between people.

Jun Mowen's second uncle, Jun Taiyi, saw that there was no good show to watch, so he spoke.

"Don't ask, your third uncle and I are also members of Jun's family after all, so we can do something for it, so why avoid us!"

"Yes, Mo Wen, Mo You is our niece, we also want to know what's going on?" Jun Tai'an said without lagging behind.

Although Mr. Jun was old, his eyes were not blind. Looking at the gloating look in their eyes, he sighed heavily and shook his head feebly.

What kind of evil did he, Jun Lintian, do in his life? He was always full of evil!
"Don't ask, come with me!"

Ignoring Jun Taiyi and the two, he got up and walked towards the study first.

Seeing this, Jun Mowen hurriedly got up and followed.

The two people with blue faces and black faces were left behind, looking at the back of Mr. Jun leaving, they glared at Jun Mowen with hatred.

In the study, Jun Mowen told Mr. Jun everything about Jun Moyou before his death!

After hearing the truth, Jun Lintian's hands trembled unconsciously while lying on the chair.

"Yes, Grandpa, you heard me right. Mo You told me before she died, and I went to confirm it. I didn't expect her to go through so many things!"

"This scoundrel," Jun Lintian went through many vicissitudes in an instant.

Although he agreed with the marriage through a company, he never thought that Jun Tairan would treat his own daughter like this!

"Grandpa, I know it's hard for you to accept, but that's already happened and cannot be changed. What we have to consider now is because Mo You's temporary obsession hurt Ling Junhan and almost killed him. I'm worried that he won't let it go. !"

Jun Lintian nodded, got up and walked a few steps in the study, "I have my own opinion on this matter, you go and see Ling Junhan first, and see what's going on with him!"

"Yes, Grandpa!"

Jun Mowen turned and left the study, and walked out of the gate of Jun's house.

Looking at Jun Mowen's leaving back, Jun Lintian fell into deep thought and took a long time to pick up the phone.

"Old man Ling!"

Ling Yunhe was a little surprised when he received Jun Lintian's call, the old man's call was really timely.

As soon as his grandson got hurt, he called and got ready!
"What's the matter, old man!"

"If you have time, let's talk to you. I know what you're thinking, so I need to have a good talk. I don't want any conflicts between our two families to be caught by others."

What Jun Lintian said is obvious, this matter cannot be covered with paper, according to Ling Junhan's handling style in recent years, if they don't act in advance, I am afraid that the Jun family will really be in trouble!

Ling Yunhe paused, seeing that he was so straightforward, he really wanted to hear what old man Jun wanted to say.


Jun Lintian heaved a long sigh of relief, hung up the phone, calmed down in the study, and then walked out of the study.

Ling Yunhe hung up the phone, met Ling Qiufeng's puzzled eyes, and glared at him pretending to be annoyed.

"Tell me how you are Jun Han's father!"

(End of this chapter)

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