Chapter 301 I Understand
Hearing this, Ling Qiufeng was at a loss until he fully understood what he said.

Only then did Ling Qiufeng sigh sadly.

"Father, it's no surprise that Mr. Jun knew about this. After all, his family's grandchildren all participated!"

"Hmph, I want to see how this old man explains it to me!"

Dare to hurt his most outstanding grandson, it is his life, how can he let him go so easily.

"Father, what are you going to do?"

"Of course I went to see my grandson first. Really, how are you a father? I don't think anyone in your generation can have such courage as Jun Han. It's really a shame to my old Ling's family. It's hard to have a father." Promise, and was almost killed!"

Hearing Old Master Ling's words, Ling Qiufeng was suddenly a little proud that he was his son!
"Then I will go with my father!"


Since that day, Ling Junhan has been supervised by Yunmo, not allowing him to move around, fearing that his wound will open.

But Ling Junhan, who was born to work hard, made him lie in bed every day, which was more uncomfortable than killing him.

"Xiaomo, it's not a problem for me to lie down all day, just let me move around a little bit to make sure I don't hurt myself."

When Ling Junhan said this for the tenth time, Yunmo finally loosened the door control.

"Your range can only be in Lingyuan!"

"it is good!"

"I'll accompany you!"

Yun Mo happily followed Ling Junhan, and said in a pleasing voice.

Ling Junhan glanced at her, knowing that during the time she was injured, she was also terribly bored, so he stretched out his hand to gently hug her shoulder, "Help me whatever you want!"


Yunmo followed him downstairs without a choice.

As soon as the two of them appeared in the living room, they saw Ah Wu rushing towards Ling Junhan.

"Young Master Ling, Jun Mowen is here to visit!"

"Oh," Ling Junhan heard Jun Mowen's first reaction, and looked at Yunmo to see her reaction.

Feeling his gaze, Yunmo smiled awkwardly, "I just want to say, Mo Wen is my friend, but it has nothing to do with you, you don't have to look at me for whatever you want to do!"

After hearing her words, Ling Junhan's face darkened a lot. It's been such a long time, and Yunmo wants to get rid of him.

"I see, let him in!"

After Ling Junhan finished speaking, he forcibly pulled Yunmo to face him, "Xiaomo, do you still want to make our relationship so clear at this time!"

Yun Mo raised her head, her cold face was full of melancholy, her clear eyes were full of embarrassment, and she sighed after a while.

"I have nothing to do with you, don't make us familiar!"

"What do you mean?"

Hearing Yunmo's words, Ling Junhan's face darkened.

"It's not interesting. I don't understand what is the relationship with you now. I used to be your lover because of my father's debt, but now my father is dead. Naturally, I can't be your lover. But we It's not boyfriend and girlfriend, do you think we have nothing to do with each other!"

After listening to his long series of words, Ling Junhan's sinking face slowly warmed up, and there was a smile in his deep eyes.

"I understand!"

If it was five years ago, he might not be sure, but after five years, he has already decided that Yunmo is the one who can get along with him for a lifetime.

He knows what he has to do!

After hearing his words that were not on topic, Yunmo looked at him puzzled, "What do you understand?"

What she meant was that she wanted to clear up the relationship with Ling Junhan, but Ling Junhan's expression seemed to not understand at all, but he said he understood!

(End of this chapter)

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