Chapter 312 You?

It's just that that handsome face is less cold, maybe the current him is his true nature!
Occasionally naughty, occasionally mischievous, not serious.

The former him may be because of the hatred lurking in his body from his mother, which made him hide his instincts so that no one could see them.

Thinking of this, Yunmo turned around helplessly and looked at the big bag behind her, who was taller than her.

I really don't know whether to tease her or touch her!

She opened the mouth resignedly, and just as she untied the rope, the messy things inside slid out of the opening with a clatter, spreading all over the room.

Yunmo surrendered and fell to the ground, unable to recover for a long time.

"Ling Junhan!"

Ling Junhan had been feigning sleep on the sofa. Hearing the sound of clattering, he opened his eyes and looked in the direction of Yunmo. He saw her sitting there with annoyed expression, surrounded by all kinds of things.

There was a smile in the deep eyes, and he sat up from the sofa unbearably, picked up the mobile phone on the coffee table, and dialed A Wu's number.

"Find someone to solve these things for me!"

Ah Wu hadn't caught his breath yet, and he couldn't laugh or cry when he received such a fate!
Holding the phone for a long time can't get back to God!

Due to time constraints, Ah Wu had to start a relationship, and quickly found forty or fifty women. Ah Wu chose four of them in a dilemma. Looking at the four sincere women, two were younger, and the other two were in grades. slightly older.

"Remember, after you go upstairs, don't make too much noise, do things quickly, and satisfy the people living in the house. Naturally, your wages are not low, but if you make a mistake, the consequences will be quite serious!"


The four answered in unison.

You must know that the daily wages here are higher than their monthly wages, and they are extremely excited to be elected.

Listening to Ah Wu's words, I couldn't help but wonder what kind of person lived upstairs, whether they were fierce or picky.

Several people couldn't help but fell into their own fantasies, until A Wu finally said.

"Okay, that's all I said, you go to the 28th floor now, remember to move quickly and gently!"


With troubled hearts, the four of them took the elevator to the 28th floor. Ali walked at the front, and the other three who walked behind couldn't help but take a step back, "Ali, press it, you are at the front!"

"What me?" Ali was at a loss in fear. She looked at the man just now, gentle and refined, but her eyes were fierce. She wondered if the people in this house would be more fierce. She couldn't help but feel scared.

"That's right, it's just you, hurry up, or people will get angry later!" said the older He Mei.

"Yeah, hurry up, or people will get angry later, and our wages will be wasted. You know, that will be enough for you to work hard for several months!" Li Qi, who was the same age as her, urged.

Ali couldn't bear the instigation of the other three, so he walked tremblingly and rang the doorbell. After ringing the doorbell, he immediately stood back and waited cautiously.

When Yun Mo was in trouble for the room full of things, she heard the doorbell ringing, and glanced at Ling Junhan who was lying on the sofa and sleeping soundly.

Expecting him to open the door was hopeless. Resigned to his fate, he got up from the ground and came to the door. Through the peephole, he saw four strange women standing outside the door in a neat group.

Yunmo opened the door and looked at the four of them suspiciously.


(End of this chapter)

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