Chapter 313 Who Are They?

The four of them thought of a man with a beard or a very fierce man, but they never thought that it would be a young and beautiful woman.

Seeing Yun Mo's bewildered face, Li Qi, who was standing behind Ali, stepped forward quickly, with a look of agreement on her face.

"Hi, I'm Li Qi, a gentleman named A Wu asked us to clean up for you!"

Yun Mo immediately came back to her senses, presumably Ling Junhan meant it, but it was a bit too exaggerated, four people, her house needs four people just by slapping it!

But she also knew that it was not easy for them. She had done the same thing when she was abroad.

She looked back at Ling Junhan, he is so rich, let him do as he pleases!

"Okay then, please come in!"

Hearing this, the four of them scrambled to enter the room, and Ali, who was originally walking in the front, was squeezed to the end.

Yunmo looked at Ali, and saw that she had a dutiful face, with an elegant smile on her face, "Are you okay!"

Ali shook his head hastily, and walked into the room quickly!
The four of them looked at the clean room, and there was an exaggerated big bag near the window, and there were various things in front of the big bag.

Among them lay a man who looked like an emperor lying on the sofa. The man was sleeping soundly at the moment, but the icy aura he exuded made people chill, but his handsome face made Li Qi dazzled instantly.

I can't help but hold my head up!
Yun Moguang came to the door and saw the four of them standing there blankly, and smiled, "Actually, there's nothing wrong, the main thing is for you to help take out the things in that big bag and put them in order, everything else is fine!"

Hearing this, the four of them were dumbfounded!
They thought it was such a hard job, but it turned out to be so simple.

Suddenly, a sentence flashed in my mind, being rich is self-willed!
However, the four of them still hesitated too much, hurriedly walked towards the big package, and quickly took out things from the big package.

Looking at the man lying on the sofa, I instantly understood what A Wu said, so that's it!

Yunmo breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and walked into the kitchen, prepared four glasses of lemon juice for the four of them, poured himself a glass of boiled water, and walked out with them.

"Drink a glass of water first!"

Looking at the cup in her hand, the four of them nodded, took the cup, drank it all in one gulp, and lowered their heads again to do their own work!

Yun Mo came to the sofa next to Ling Junhan with boiled water, moved her neck tiredly, and looked at Ling Junhan who was lying on the sofa, frowning in displeasure because of the noise of their movements.

After hesitating for a moment, thinking that he was still injured, he reached out and patted him gently.

"Hey, why don't you sleep in my room!"

Ling Junhan opened his eyes leisurely, and there was an evil charm in the deep eyes, looking at the four people sitting opposite, they suddenly became deep.

"Who are they?"

"You hired them to deal with things, what's the matter?"

"It's okay, I'm just not used to having outsiders at home!"

"Understood, go to sleep quickly, I'll call you when it's done!"

Ling Junhan got up from the sofa and walked towards Yunmo's room. Yunmo looked at his back, then at the four people who were a little embarrassed, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry!"

"It's okay!" Among the four people except Li Qi, the other three shook their heads and couldn't help speeding up their hands.

On the other hand, Li Qi seemed a little depressed, feeling disappointed that such a handsome guy didn't notice him at all!
(End of this chapter)

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