Chapter 314 Are You Okay?
Looking at their skillful techniques, Yunmo couldn't help thinking that these people must be regular housekeepers.

"You can place things as you like, as for other things, there is no such thing for the time being!"

After Yun Mo finished speaking, she got up and walked into the kitchen. After a day of tossing, she was exhausted, but her stomach was growling uncontrollably.

She ordered a bowl of noodles for herself, and before the noodles were cooked, she saw Ali walking into the kitchen obediently.

Seeing Yun Mo cooking the noodles, she blushed a little impolitely.

"Is there a problem?"

Ali nodded, "We've finished it, do you want to see it!"

"Oh, thank you!" Yunmo walked out of the kitchen, seeing that everything was in order, and it was 01:30 faster than her previous speed.

Nodding with satisfaction, "Thank you!"

"Well, excuse me!" He Mei stepped out quickly and said.

"No, by the way, how much is your work fee?"

Yun Mo is not a mother-in-law, she thinks that they get the work fee!

"Hello, Mr. Wu has already paid the work fee before we came here. If there is nothing to do, we want to say goodbye first!"

Ali quickly finished speaking. She felt a little sorry for such a small amount of work and such a high salary.

"It's okay, you can go!"

"Well, hello, this is my business card, if you want to clean up later, you can call me!"

Li Qi was the first to take out his business card and hand it to Yunmo.

The other three came back to their senses. Except for Ali, the other two also quickly took out their business cards.

Yunmo received the business card politely, and looked at Ali who was hanging aside, with a gentle smile, "Where's yours?"

Ali was a little flattered, but he didn't expect Yunmo to take the initiative to ask himself, he couldn't recover, and looked at Yunmo blankly.

It wasn't until He Mei who was at the side pushed her that she recovered from her astonishment.

At a loss, he took out a pen from his bag, wrote down his name and phone number, and gratefully handed it to Yunmo.

She has no culture, no money, and can't afford business cards like theirs, so she can only write them down on post-it notes. In fact, she also wants to leave contact information for others, but she is afraid of being rejected by others, so she never keeps it, and she is easily caught. People ignored it, but they didn't expect this beautiful woman to be so kind.

Yun Mo took the business card and the post-it sticker in her hand without discrimination, and looked at it seriously. There was still a smile in her clear eyes, without any discrimination.

"Then go slowly!"

"See you!"

The four of them left Weitianju slowly, while Yun Mo couldn't wait to go back to the kitchen. When she found that the noodles had boiled completely, she hurriedly turned off the fire.

Looking at the delicious noodles, my appetite increased greatly. At this moment, the doorbell rang again.

Yun Mo frowned, there are so many people looking for her today!
She put down her chopsticks helplessly, came to the door, and reached out to open the door.

As soon as he opened the door, he looked at Nie Chenyi who had disappeared for a long time. He was in a state of distress, his face was covered with stubble. It was obvious that the future had not been cleaned up in time, and his suit was also crumpled!
Unspeakable vicissitudes and exhaustion, looking at Nie Chenyi like this, Yunmo was obviously stunned for a moment, he didn't always appear in front of her in his best state in the past, but this time!
"Brother Nie!"

"Xiaomo, it's been a long time, how are you doing?"

The deep voice was hoarse, and it was indescribably sad in my ears.

(End of this chapter)

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