Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 322 I Don't Want to Explain

Chapter 322 I Don't Want to Explain

Seeing his disciple's smile, Yunmo jumped out of his arms in disgust, crossed his hands in front of his chest and made a crossing motion.

"Stop, Ling Junhan, don't think I'll forgive you, tell you, it's impossible!"

Ling Junhan's face was full of black lines, this woman is not emotional at all, such an affectionate scene was wasted by her for nothing.

He glared at Yunmo resentfully, turned over and got up, his upper body was naked, ignored Yunmo, and strode towards the bathroom, leaving Yunmo with an inexplicable expression on his face.

Yunmo walked out of the room depressed, and walked towards the living room with a headache.

As soon as she walked downstairs, she saw Rong's mother holding a bowl of hangover soup in front of her, with an unforgiving expression on her face.

Yunmo knew that Mama Rong hated drinking the most, so she had no choice but to smile guiltily, "Mama Rong..."

"Okay, don't drink anymore next time, drink hangover soup first!"

Yun Mo nodded, picked up the bowl to bite the bullet, and drank it in a few sips. She hadn't realized before that the feeling of being drunk was so painful.

"Mother Rong, how did I come back!"

"It's sir. He came back with you in his arms. He didn't close his eyelids all night to take care of you!"

Rong's mother was very moved when she remembered that she opened the door and watched Ling Junhan carefully wipe Yunmo's cheek.

She knew that the current husband was sincere to Yun Mo, and she felt relieved a lot!

Yunmo was a little surprised, but also found it a little unbelievable that Ling Junhan would take care of drunk people patiently, which really made her admire.

"Xiaomo, Mama Rong is telling you to be serious. Over the years, I have watched my husband change bit by bit. Take last night as an example. He felt worse than you when he saw you drunk. He didn't blink all night. Close it reluctantly, I don't know what misunderstanding you have, but I think he likes you very much!"

Hearing this from Rong Ma's mouth, Yun Mo was a little shocked. You must know that Rong Ma used to approve of her and Nie Chenyi the most.

Now he is standing by Ling Junhan's side!

She sighed softly. In fact, she knew her intentions very well. She never accepted Ling Junhan because she still had resentment towards him in her heart. Thinking of all his cruel past, she couldn't let go of it.

Especially when he saw him attacking Nie Chenyi, his mood was even worse!

"Mother Rong, I know!" Yunmo held her belly in aggrieved manner, "Mother Rong, I'm so hungry!"

Rong's mother froze for a moment, smiled and shook her head and said dotingly, "You!"

Turn around and walk towards the kitchen!

Leaving Yun Mo alone in deep thought, she stretched out her hand to support her forehead in pain, and slightly closed her eyes.

Ling Junhan came downstairs, looked at her distressed look, and couldn't hide her worry, "Xiaomo, are you okay!"

Yun Mo opened her eyes and looked at her, seeing that the worry in his deep eyes did not seem to be fake, she shook her head slightly.

"I'm fine, I'm just thinking about something, when did you come down, why didn't you even make a sound!"

Ling Junhan gave her a helpless look, "You are so engrossed in thinking about things, you can hear who is coming!"

Speaking of this, the voice could not hide the resentment.

He really hoped that Yunmo could be fair to him, but he knew that women are naturally unreasonable, so he gave up the idea of ​​reasoning with Yunmo.

"Ling Junhan, did you attack Big Brother Nie for me!"

Ling Junhan looked at her with a smile, "I don't want to explain!"

"You, why on earth!" Yunmo sighed helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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