Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 323 Let Me Think About It

Chapter 323 Let Me Think About It

"Okay, don't worry about it, let's eat something first!"

Touching Mama Rong's figure out of the corner of Ling Junhan's eyes, he said.

Yun Mo nodded.

While the two were fighting, Nie Chenyi, who had been injured and recuperated in the July residence, welcomed an unrestrained guest!
Leng Tianao rang the doorbell of Nie Chenyi's house.

Nie Chenyi heard the doorbell ring, but couldn't hear Yunmo's footsteps. He couldn't help but feel lost, so he lifted the quilt and dragged his weak body out of bed.

Opening the door and looking at Leng Tianao's expression of taking it for granted, his pale face sank immediately.

"What are you here for?"

Leng Tianao was indifferent to his words, with a confident smile on his face similar to Leng Xiuya.

"Mr. Nie, of course I came here to see you," he said without forgetting to glance at the wound on his wrist, "Is it worth it for a woman!"

"none of your business!"

Nie Chenyi was angry and wanted to close the door, but because of his weakness, his strength was relatively halved. For Leng Tianao, he was not afraid of the threat at all.

Leng Tianao hastily stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Why should Mr. Nie get angry? I wonder if you have heard that when we stand on the same ground, the enemy's enemy is a friend. I don't believe you don't hate Ling Junhan!"

"So what, I disdain to be with a villain like you!" Nie Chenyi sarcastically said without saving any face.

"I'm a villain, I never deny this, but Mr. Nie shouldn't talk too much, Ling Junhan's current strength is not something that you, a small Nie's group, can handle, you have to know that you have lost this time , that was thanks to Ling Junhan!"

Leng Tianao admitted without hesitation.

Nie Chenyi's angry expression paused for a moment, and he frowned, thinking about the meaning of his words.

Seeing this, Leng Tianao strikes while the iron is hot, "I know that Ling Junhan did not only do things to you, but also Yunmo. You were the one Yunmo loved five years ago. Because of Ling Junhan's despicableness, he took Yunmo away from you. Go, and even cause Yunmo to have a miscarriage, and Yunmo left the country heartbroken!"

"Come back again, Ling Junhan used another trick to take Yunmo away from his side again, Mr. Nie, don't you hate, don't you resent, the person Yunmo likes should be you, isn't it!"

Every word and every sentence of his pierced Nie Chenyi's scarred heart, and every sentence hit the vital point, making Nie Chenyi's scarred heart dripping with blood again.

"Even so, I will not cooperate with someone who has hurt Xinyan!"

Nie Chenyi said after a while.

The flash of banter in Leng Tianao's eyes pretended to be remorse, and he let out a heavy sigh.

"Oh, this matter is mine. Jun Moyou is my wife in name. I didn't take good care of her and let her go crazy and hurt Miss Du. I am very sorry for this matter. If you blame me for this matter, I admit it too!"


Nie Chenyi snorted coldly.

Leng Tianao continued, "Young Master Nie, I know that you hate me, but in the face of a powerful enemy, can we put aside our personal opinions and confront the enemy first, otherwise, as long as Ling Junhan has a chance, he will definitely not let me breathe !"

Nie Chenyi was very annoyed by his stubbornness, and impatiently glanced at the hypocrisy on his face.

"Let me think about it!"

After finishing speaking, taking advantage of the cold weather and being unprepared, he closed the door again.

Leng Tianao, who was locked out of the door, had a hint of viciousness in his eyes, Nie Chenyi, sooner or later, you will be in my hands!

Turn around and leave July House!
(End of this chapter)

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