Chapter 324 You wake me up

Leng Tianao left Qiyueju, and walked directly towards the direction agreed with Leng Jueche!

Bieyiju is Ling Jueche's private club, named Bieyiju, which means to deal with Ling Junhan, from childhood to adulthood, Ling Junhan rides on his head in everything, gets the old man's sole favor, makes him look like a useless people!

Not getting the importance of the family, suffering from the family's eyes, living in the shadow of Ling Junhan.

Ever since I was a child, I have heard the most about how he is not as good as Ling Junhan!
His purpose in this life is to get rid of Ling Junhan and prove that he is the strongest!

Leng Tianao walked into the other courtyard and looked at Ling Jueche with a gloomy face and eyes full of vicious calculations, which made him feel terrified.

But knowing that this hatred was for Ling Junhan, I felt a lot better in an instant!

Ling Junhan is their common enemy!

"what's the result!"

Ling Jueche shifted his cold gaze to Leng Tianao, and asked expressionlessly.

"As we predicted, if we show a little bit of sincerity, I don't believe he will not waver!"

Leng Tianao stretched out the thumb and index finger of his right hand, and opened a little distance between the two fingers. With a contemptuous expression, he said with disdain.

"Really, that's good. With him as a shield, we don't have to worry about major events. I believe that we will be able to avenge our vengeance in a short time!"

Ling Jueche got up and took out two goblets from the wine cabinet, filled the two glasses with red wine, and with a sinister smile on his face, he handed one of the glasses like Leng Tianao.

"That's exactly what I intend, but I have another plan. We have gained a lot of inside information about the Nie family before. If we..."

He clicked to the end, looked into Ling Jueche's eyes, and the two smiled in unison.

"So good!"

Ever since Leng Xiuya ran out of the hospital with Du Xinyan that day, she locked herself at home all day and spent her days drinking.

Dongfang Yuan couldn't take it anymore and opened the door of his house.

As soon as the door was opened, a large smell of alcohol mixed with a strong smell of tobacco came oncoming. The whole room was in a mess, all the curtains were put down, and it was dark. Leng Xiuya was sitting in a corner of the sofa in a mess. There are wine bottles all around.

The stubble on his face has not been taken care of for many days, and the shirt he was wearing before is still on his body.

Dongfang Yuan opened the curtains to let the sun bask in the soon-to-be moldy home, and lifted Leng Xiuya up from the ground in disbelief.

"Look at your useless appearance. What do you look like? Humans are not human, ghosts are not ghosts. It is because you are so cowardly that Du Xinyan is so desperate for you, touch!"

Dongfang Yuan will wake him up today.

Leng Xiuya was punched severely by Dongfang Yuan, and she fell down, as if she had no bones, and she didn't even have an expression of pain.

"Wake me up, bastard!"

Dongfang Yuan lifted him up again and beat him down hard!

Jiang Yinying walked into the room, just in time to see her son being beaten inappropriately, panicked instantly, and rushed over to pull Dongfang Yuan.

"what are you doing?"

Listening to Jiang Yinying's figure, Dongfang Yuan threw Leng Xiuya away in spite of iron and steel, and looked at the woman standing in front of him with a little angriness. She was dressed noble and elegant, but in essence she was a selfish woman.

If she wasn't Leng Xiuya's mother, he wouldn't have given her face at all.

It was because of her that Leng Xiuya's life was tragic. Facing this selfish woman, he glared at her, turned and left angrily!

(End of this chapter)

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