Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 325 He is very kind to his own people

Chapter 325 He is very kind to his own people

Jiang Yinying was stared at by Dongfang Yuan and stood there motionless. It was not until Dongfang Yuan left for a long time that she came back to her senses and hurriedly leaned over to help Leng Xiuya up.

Leng Xiuya glanced at her coldly, and stretched out her hand to shake her off.

"Are you satisfied now!"

After speaking, he stumbled and disappeared before Jiang Yinying's eyes.

Jiang Yinying's whole body was stiff and cold because of Leng Xiuya's words. When did her son become so indifferent to her.

He has always loved himself the most, hasn't he!

Du Xinyan, it's that woman who is so restless after being married!

Jiang Yinying left Leng Xiuya's house in resentment.

Dongfang Yuan came out and sat in the car waiting, he knew that Leng Xiuya would come out.

Sure enough, not long after, Leng Xiuya stumbled out.

Because I have been at home for too long and have not been active for a long time, my hands and feet are a little uncoordinated when I walk, and the whole gait looks very weird.

Dongfang Yuan opened the car door angrily, and threw him in the car!
"I thought you would never be willing to leave the room for the rest of your life!"

Leng Xiuya sneered palely,

Seeing that Leng Xiuya didn't speak, Dongfang Yuan stepped on the accelerator and disappeared in place.
When Ling Junhan received Dongfang Yuan's call, Yunmo was eating something that Rong's mother had prepared for her. Seeing Ling Junhan's face gradually sank, she couldn't help feeling worried.

Just when she couldn't help but ask, Ling Jun said coldly, "I see!"

Ling Junhan hung up the phone, seeing that the atmosphere had become a little cold, Yunmo was all serious, with an expression of guard and vigilance not to be outdone.

Seeing Yunmo like this, Ling Junhan couldn't help feeling guilty.

For a long time, he tried his best to restrain his indifference in front of Yunmo, showing his harmonious side.

It's just that the phone call he heard just now made his anger no longer controllable.



Hearing Ling Junhan's voice, Yun Mo realized that she had gone too far. In order to hide the embarrassment in her eyes, she hurriedly lowered her head and ate something to cover it up.

Seeing her like this, Ling Junhan sighed in his heart, knowing that because of Nie Chenyi's matter, she was on guard against himself.

Holding Yun Mo's face in his hands, he said, "Xiao Mo, something happened to Xiu, would you like to go see him with me?"

Yunmo's eyes widened in astonishment, she was inconceivable that Ling Junhan was willing to tell her that she was willing.

You must know that the matter of the three brothers is the most important thing to him. Usually, others can't mention a word, but now he will take the initiative to tell him.

It can be said that if Qifeng is a child to Ling Junhan, then Dongfang Yuan and Leng Xiuya are part of his own body!

After recovering, seeing Ling Junhan waiting for his answer, "I..."

"Okay, let's go together!"

Before Yunmo finished eating, Ling Junhan hurriedly rushed out the door.

He drove all the way to Dongfang Yuan's house.

The two came to Dongfang Yuan's house.

As for Yunmo, she had seen Dongfang Yuan only a handful of times, and she didn't know much about this person, she only knew that he was taciturn, behaved just like Ling Junhan, and did things in his own way.

She doesn't know anything about the rest!
Ling Junhan saw that Yunmo was a little embarrassed, and stretched out his hand to hold her tightly, "Don't worry, he is very kind to his own people!"

After speaking, he strode towards the house of the Oriental Courtyard.

At Dongfangyuan's house, Leng Xiuya had already tidied herself up, but she couldn't hide the paleness on her face no matter what.

He is really sad, now a proud person has turned into this person who is not like a human being, and a ghost who is not like a ghost!
(End of this chapter)

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