Chapter 326 Chapter 328
Just as he was feeling sorry for Leng Xiuya, Ling Junhan opened the door and walked in with Yun Mo.

Seeing the harmonious expressions of the two, the other half of his heart quietly dropped. Among the three brothers, there is always one who is happy!

"You are here!"


Ling Junhan looked at the devastated Leng Xiuya, the gloom in his eyes gradually increased.

"He has made himself inhumane, think of a way!"

Dongfang Yuan said weakly.

It was only then that Yun Mo noticed Leng Xiuya lying on a corner of the sofa, and saw that his thin face was even worse than the previous two days, and his white shirt looked even paler.

Although he was lying on the sofa, not far from her, he couldn't feel a trace of anger, and even gave her the feeling that the current Leng Xiuya was just an empty shell, without a soul.

She tightened the grip on Ling Junhan's hand, and looked at Ling Junhan with her clear eyes unable to bear the pain.

Ling Junhan felt her movement, and asked silently with deep eyes.

She moved her eyes to the side, pulled Ling Junhan aside, and said briefly, "I want to help him!"

After hearing her words, Ling Junhan's mind flashed, maybe the relationship between Du Xinyan and Yunmo could really untie the knot between the two.

"Okay, follow your arrangement!"


Yun Mo nodded, let go of Ling Junhan's hand, came to Leng Xiuya's side, and said seriously.

"Leng Xiuya, I want to talk to you about Xinyan!"

When Du Xinyan was mentioned, Leng Xiuya's empty eyes finally gained some focus.

He turned his eyes slowly, looked at Yun Mo, and nodded for a while.

Although Dongfang Yuan didn't know what kind of medicine they were selling in the gourd, seeing that Leng Xiuya finally had a human expression, he was really willing to believe that Yunmo had a solution.

In the past three years, they had tried their best, but every time Xiuya saw Du Xinyan, she would die on time, and each time it got worse, he didn't know how long Leng Xiuya could last.

"Go to the study!"

When Yun Mo heard Dongfang Yuan's words, she nodded gratefully towards him.

Dongfang Yuan said blankly, "As long as this kid can live like a human being, let alone the study room, it's fine to give you the whole house, ah..."

After hearing what he said, Ling Junhan gave him an iron palm out of jealousy.

Dongfang Yuan also knew that he said something wrong, and rolled his eyes thinking he was unlucky.

Yun Mo followed Leng Xiuya to the study.

Yun Mo also stopped being tricky and went straight to the point.

"I heard from Ling Junhan about Xinyan's matter. What I want to talk to you about is exactly what Xinyan experienced. Do you really mind?"

As if hearing a joke, Leng Xiuya smiled sarcastically, "Is I, Leng Xiuya, just such a superficial person in your hearts? The person I love is Du Xinyan, and I don't care about anything else!"

Leng Xiuya's words were very absolute, but this was also expected by Yunmo.

There was a satisfied smile on her face, "Do you know why she is avoiding you blindly, even threatening her life? It's not because she doesn't love you, on the contrary, she loves you very much, her love for you, No less than you!"

"Because of this, she voluntarily exiled and degraded herself, because she felt that she is no longer worthy of you, and only a better woman can be worthy of you!"

"You blindly proved before that the feeling to her is not because you love her, but because you sympathize with her!"

(End of this chapter)

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