Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 333 Are you going to follow the chapter?

Chapter 333 Walking back?

Even though Leng Xiuya spoke clearly, Du Xinyan still couldn't get out of the knot in his heart.

She wanted to calm down for a while, deal with her current situation well, and draw a clear line with that nominal husband.

Ever since she experienced that incident, she has never been approached by anyone. Today, it was Yun Mo for the first time, and Leng Xiuya for the second time. She has to work hard to think clearly about all this.

"I promise you, but I also hope that you promise me and face your own heart well. Since we are not afraid of death, what are we afraid of!"

Du Xinyan looked away sadly.

For the past three years, she knew better than anyone what Leng Xiuya's situation was, and she also felt more distressed than anyone else.

His fall and his weight loss were all because of her. Maybe she still suspected that he was guilty of himself before, but three years have already proved all of this!
"Okay, I promise you, but you can't force me!"

"I won't force you, I'm willing to wait as long as I want!"

Leng Xiuya was already very happy to be able to do this, he knew that it would be impossible for Du Xinyan to completely give up his knots in a short time!
The matter between the two of them was settled, Leng Xiuya regained his previous self-confidence, and he came back with a sense of humor.

He looked at the empty road and the uninhabited seaside, and he had to say that Yunmo would choose a place.

"Now this sea seems to be contracted by the two of us!"

Du Xinyan also found out, the others disappeared without a trace, even Yunmo disappeared without a trace.

"Then how should we go back!"

"When they find out that we are not here, come and pick us up!"

"What?" Du Xinyan obviously disagreed.

Leng Xiuya looked at her red and swollen eyes staring and crying, with a shocked expression on her face, so cute!
"There's nothing wrong with spending the night here, accompanied by the sound of the wind and the sea, well, it's indeed a good place, I've decided, my home is here!"

Leng Xiuya became more and more sure.

Du Xinyan gave him a slap in the face angrily, and he was not serious at this time.

"You should think about how to go back before you build a house!"

Shaking her head helplessly, she took out her mobile phone from her bag and found that there was no signal at all. Du Xinyan really panicked.

"No signal!"

A look of unnaturalness flashed across Leng Xiuya's eyes, and he hurriedly agreed, "There is indeed no signal!"

Du Xinyan didn't know that in order to spend more time with her, he sent people to bury countless jammers around the area.

To hell with a signal!
"Then what should we do, let's go back!"

Looking at the long road, Du Xinyan felt a headache. She had completely forgotten how long Yunmo drove to get here!

"Xinyan, the only thing we can do now is sit here and wait until they come back to pick us up, maybe Junhan and the others are already on their way!"

Du Xinyan looked at him dubiously.

Playing a rascal in Leng Xiuya, showing cuteness and cheating, Du Xinyan was shocked beyond measure, who said that a woman turning her face is like turning a book, in her opinion, the speed of a man turning his face is not much slower than that of a woman!

"What if they don't come?"

Du Xinyan sat down beside him helplessly.

Leng Xiuya grinned more and more, he hoped that they would not come, thinking about the tacit understanding for so many years, it is impossible for them not to understand!

Although the beach is a bit cold and he will suffer a little, but he is well prepared, and he will take it out later and say that he often came here to play and put it here!

He has already thought about the way out, so can he still let Xinyan run away!
"Don't worry, it won't!"

(End of this chapter)

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