Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 334 Ripples in the Car

Chapter 334 Ripples in the Car

Ling Junhan opened Yunmo's heart knot, and took Yunmo away from the flower garden. Yunmo hesitated whether to go to the beach to pick up Du Xinyan.

"I think they're done talking, let's pick them up!"

Ling Junhan knew Leng Xiuya's plan without thinking about it. If he guessed correctly, Dongfang Yuan must have slipped away at this time, and Leng Xiuya had already prepared things for them to spend the night at the beach.

Cunning and cunning!

However, it was well concealed on the surface, and Yun Mo did not see the slightest clue.

"Xiao Mo, it's so late now, how could they still be here, have you forgotten, when we left, Dongfang Yuan was there waiting for them!"


Yunmo always felt that there was something weird there, but she couldn't put it into words.

"Don't worry about it, let's go, I'm hungry!"

Ling Junhan directly hugged Yunmo and forced her into the car, and drove directly to his home by himself.

Yunmo shrugged helplessly, she couldn't turn around Ling Junhan, she was lucky, maybe they would really go!

"All right!"

Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief. For some reason, after opening his heart this time, he felt much better.

She glanced at Ling Junhan unconsciously, and was fascinated by his handsome face.

The perfection of this man is really indignant. They all say that God is fair. Some people look ugly, but God bestowed him with a smart brain.

Some people look handsome, but their brains are not very good!
However, such a law does not seem to appear to Ling Junhan at all.

With his perfect appearance and high IQ, he can frustrate enemies in appearance, and his IQ is even more obvious.

Thinking of this, I sighed unconsciously!
Ling Junhan, who had been stared at by her all the time, had a thick-skinned face, so he didn't feel a little shy again, but he was a little baffled when he heard Yunmo sighing at him.

Why is this?

"What's the matter, I'm handsome enough to make you sigh!"


Yunmo, hearing his blunt smug beauty, was immediately frightened, and smiled unscrupulously after recovering.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing Yunmo so happy, Ling Junhan didn't mind, and acted as a clown in front of her, only Yunmo had the qualifications.

Yunmo's stomach throbbed from laughing, and it took him a long time to stop laughing and return to normal.

"Ling Junhan, can you be more smug!"

"do you want to see!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Yunmo's reaction, she directly stretched her face in front of Yunmo, lowered her head and kissed her.

Only then did Yunmo realize that at some point when their car stopped, Ling Junhan unbuckled her seat belt and pressed her onto the seat.

He bowed his head and kissed her fiercely.

Yun Mo froze for a moment, then closed her eyes to cooperate with him.

You know, since Yunmo left, Ling Junhan has been a vegetarian, he has no interest in any woman, and Yunmo finally came back, but he is like a hedgehog, hurting him every time he touches it.

Every time he wanted to get close to Yunmo, he would always be scarred. Now that she had finally opened up to him, he could no longer control his desire to eat her.Hope, especially in such a deserted place.

He held her head in one hand, and with the other hand, he slowly rolled Yunmo's seat flat before he started to pick up Yunmo's clothes.

Under his leadership, Yun Mo had already wandered into the sky, and she simply let Ling Junhan do whatever he wanted.

She didn't wake up until her chest felt cold, her eyes widened in disbelief, and she tried to resist, but it's a pity that Ling Junhan was already on the verge of death, so how could it be possible to let the meat fly away!

(End of this chapter)

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