Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 336 Marriage Agreement

Chapter 336 Marriage Agreement
as predicted.

Ling Junhan is not a vegetarian either!
"Then if grandma knows, why don't you come here!"

"Stinky brat, come here as soon as she comes, why do you want to scare me with your grandma!"

The corner of Ling Junhan's mouth twitched a few times, and then he calmed down.


Ling Junhan walked upstairs helplessly.

He has long been used to his grandfather's waywardness!

Grandpa has always doted on him, and his other grandsons all cringe in front of him, because grandpa is notoriously serious while being willful.

Therefore, grandpa's rogue is always in front of him, and grandma!

They treated him like the grandparents of ordinary people. When he was young, his mother was not there, so he grew up with his grandfather in the military camp, and his grandmother was always with him.

He opened Yunmo's room and saw that Yunmo had already showered, changed his clothes, and was stroking his hair, watching him come in.

Yunmo put down the hair dryer in her hand and looked at him strangely.

Sweeping away the unhappiness before, he came to Yunmo's side, hugged Yunmo into his arms from behind, put his head on her shoulder, and smelled the smell of her shampoo.

"what happened?"

"It's okay, it's just that there may be two more people in the family!"

"Is grandma coming too!"

Yunmo turned to face him.

Ling Junhan reached out to take the hair dryer in her hand, "I'll blow it for you!"


Yunmo's hair has gradually become straight from the big curly hair before, and it is as smooth as silk in the hand, which is very comfortable.

"Xiaomo, it's like you're back, okay!"

Yun Mo froze for a moment, she didn't know what to do now.


Seeing her hesitating, Ling Junhan stopped what he was doing and looked at her hesitantly, "What are you still hesitating for? Have you abandoned me again!"

Yunmo shook her head with a smile.

"No, I just," thinking of something, suddenly became confident, "I don't want to, I don't want to be your shady lover!"

Speaking of this, an unknown smile overflowed from the corner of Ling Junhan's mouth.

"Who says you can't see the light, you are the legitimate Mrs. Ling, don't you know!"

Speaking of this, he is very proud. Although he was very sad that he did not get a certificate, he has no worries now.

"What the hell did you sign me that day!"

Yunmo immediately became vigilant and looked at him dangerously.

"Marriage Agreement!"


Yun Mo roared in disbelief, this is too much, "Ling Junhan, are you looking for death, you dare to plot against me!"

This surprise came so suddenly that Yunmo was at a loss, became incoherent, and her eyes turned red!
How could he do this!

Seeing her teary eyes, Ling Junhan held her in his arms distressedly, "This is the dream I have been thinking about day and night, even if I die a thousand times, ten thousand times, I am willing!"

Although he often heard him say to her with a playful smile that he liked her, she always thought that Ling Junhan was just joking.

She never dared to wishful thinking, she didn't want to be an unsightly woman, she wanted to be free, after accepting Ling Junhan's apology, she still hesitated.

She knew his family and knew his people better.

But she had thought about all the possibilities, but she never thought that he would make Yunmo both happy and angry in such a weird way!

She was overjoyed that she could finally stand beside him justifiably. Out of anger, she only proposed once in her life. When he made an oolong like this, all the dreams of a woman turned into bubbles in an instant!
She really didn't know what he really was!
(End of this chapter)

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