Chapter 337
Ling Junhan's favorite trick is to strike while the iron is hot, and after finishing talking to Yunmo, he suddenly thought.

"Xiaomo, why don't we go get the marriage certificate now!"

Yun Mo restrained all her emotions, glanced at him like an idiot, reached out to take the hair dryer in his hand, and silently wanted to turn around and leave.

Ling Junhan pulled her resolutely, looked at her with longing eyes, and pleaded in his voice.


"Brother, can you have a sense of time? What time is it now? Everyone is off work!"

Ling Junhan regained his energy in an instant. It turned out that he didn't want to get a marriage certificate with him. It was because he was off work and Ling Junhan was doing business, so he still cared about getting off work!
"Don't worry about this!"

He snatched the hair dryer from Yunmo's hand, and dragged Yunmo out of the room in great strides. He was in a good mood, and his handsome face was radiant.

Go straight to the topic and drive towards the Civil Affairs Bureau!
"What are you doing, are you crazy, it's midnight!"

"I know!"

Facing Yun Mo's accusation, Ling Junhan replied solemnly.


"Who told you that you can't print a marriage certificate in the middle of the night!"

Yunmo instantly understood, she stretched out her hand to rest her forehead with a headache, how could she forget that he is Ling Junhan, Ling Junhan can do things whenever he wants!

Yunmo sat in the passenger seat silently, staring at the night scene outside the car.

Ling Junhan took out his mobile phone, "A Tai, this young master is going to get married now!"


Artest naturally understood what he meant by getting married, so he made a phone call after changing hands, and drove towards the Civil Affairs Bureau at random.

Ling Junhan was driving so fast that he wished he could fly over.

Unable to hide the excitement in my heart, I grinned and smiled at any time alone!

Yun Mo, who was watching from the side, was terrified, whether it would be too dangerous for him to drive like this, but she didn't say anything, and Ling Junhan would be even more embarrassed when she ran away and talked to her.

This man is seriously ill!

When Ling Junhan drove to the Civil Affairs Bureau, Zhu Nong, the director of the Civil Affairs Bureau, had already been waiting for a long time.

He was at home cuddling his wife in a drowsy sleep when the phone rang loudly, waking him up from his dream.

Seeing the name on the phone, I was even more scared out of my wits.

Artest, wasn't it indirectly because of Ling Shao? He suddenly became full of energy, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said in an amiable voice.

"Mr. Artest!"

"Young Master Ling is getting married now!"

"What?" Zhu Nong was so shocked that he couldn't help himself, and fell off the bed in absurdity.

When he was looking at the phone, the phone had already been hung up, he shuddered, stood up from the ground, hurriedly retrieved his clothes, and quickly put them on.

Hurry up and drive there.

When I arrived at the Civil Affairs Bureau, I was instantly relieved to see that Ling Junhan hadn't arrived yet.

Zhu Nong, who had been resting for a long time at this moment, watched Ling Junhan get off the car with Yunmo, and hurried to the two of them.

"Young Master Ling, Mrs. Ling, you are here!"

When Yun Mo heard Mrs. Ling, she was suddenly not used to it.

"you do not need……"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ling Junhan's happy voice.

"Don't be verbose, hurry up!"


Zhu Nong carefully walked ahead and led the way. Fortunately, he had the foresight. When Artest called him, he had already called to ask the certificate officer to wait again. It was just right to come here at this moment.

Yunmo looked at the words Civil Affairs Bureau, and suddenly felt inexplicably worried, wondering if it was the premarital phobia they mentioned.

(End of this chapter)

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