Chapter 371 Your Stuff
The matter of Dongfang Yuan was resolved smoothly, and the matter of Ling Junhan and Leng Xiuya was indeed getting more and more difficult.

Especially Ling Junhan, looking at the sleeping Yunmo every day, and there is a fake Yunmo who always loves to change things in front of him when he is fine. With his temper, he really wants to explode, but he has to bear it.

There is even a group of self-righteous old ghosts in the company who think they are perfect, do they think Ling Junhan is an idiot!
Do you really think they don't know what Ling Qiuan did!

Ling courtyard.

'Yunmo' came to Lingyuan presumptuously, looked at the huge Lingyuan, with a greedy look in his eyes, wishing to take it for himself immediately.

Because Mama Rong was not in Lingyuan because she was taking care of Yunmo, there were all men living in Lingyuan.

Ling Junhan, who was sitting on the sofa, looked through the window at 'Yunmo' who was standing at the door, hesitating and hesitating, with a sarcasm on his charming face.

Artest, who was standing beside him, saw this, a look of disgust burst out in his eyes.

Thinking of what 'Yunmo' and Nie Chenyi did that day, he couldn't forgive him, and left Shao Ling scarred, and his heart aggravated his hatred for 'Yunmo'.

I can't wait to shoot her!

Seeing this, Ling Junhan said, "A-Tai, there is a guest here, please come in!"

"Young Master Ling!"

Artest yelled in displeasure.

Ling Junhan turned his head, looked at Artest's stubborn face, and sighed helplessly, "I'm fine, she can't hurt me!"

Although Artest was very reluctant, but his fate cannot be violated, he walked towards the door helplessly, "Miss Yun!"

Seeing this, 'Yunmo' put on airs on purpose, pretending to be arrogant, "I just came back to get my things back!"

Artest dismissed it, took 'Yunmo' into the Ling courtyard, and walked towards Ling Junhan.

Sitting by the window, Ling Junhan looked through the glass, the golden sun shone on him, with layers of halos, flawless face, and stalwart figure, all of which fascinated 'Yunmo'.

She unconsciously stared in a daze!
This kind of "cloud foam" makes Artest disgusted even more, duplicity, saying one thing and doing another.

"Young Master Ling, Miss Yun is here!"

Ling Junhan raised his eyes from the document, stared at 'Yunmo' indifferently for a while, and dared to make his face look like his Xiaomo, to see if he didn't tear her up, he must make that beauty salon useless. gain a foothold.

His Yunmo, they dared to use their brains.

Ling Junhan looked at 'Yunmo' a little unnaturally, and was afraid of being exposed.

"I'm here to get my stuff back!"

Ling Jun coldly snorted, "Your stuff, your stuff!"

Wanting to touch Xiaomo's things is really whimsical.

"I..." 'Yunmo' just wanted to take the opportunity to get close to Ling Junhan, facing Ling Junhan's indifference, she was a little at a loss, this kind of Ling Junhan was different from what she knew, wasn't he obedient to Yunmo!

how come?
Could it be that Ling Junhan hated her because of her injuries before, no, she had to make Ling Junhan change his mind!
"Ling Junhan, I don't want to have anything to do with you, all I have to do is..."

"Artest, see off the guests!"

'Yunmo' said nothing, and was swept out by Ling Junhan.

A Tai, who had a gloomy face at the side, heard Ling Junhan's voice, and was even more willing to agree, and came to Yunmo's side expressionlessly, "Miss Yun, please!"

"Ling Junhan, I know you are remembering what I said to you that day, but I regret it!"

"A-Tai!" Ling Junhan increased his voice.

(End of this chapter)

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