Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 372 Xiaomo is about to wake up

Chapter 372 Xiaomo is about to wake up

If this person in front of him was not useful to him, he would have wanted to crush her to death.

Seeing 'Yunmo' leave, Ling Junhan transferred all his anger to Nie Chenyi.

"Nie Chenyi, hello, you deliberately let that woman irritate me, right? Let me tell you, I, Ling Junhan, don't have that much time to pester you. If you dare to let her come, I will definitely strangle her to death!"

Nie Chenyi was stunned for a while at the anger on the phone, that woman really didn't know how to keep her own place, her greedy mouth was filled with mud that couldn't support the wall, making her look like Yunmo, it was a blow to Yunmo Great insult!
He hung up the phone and immediately called Ling Jueche.

"Master Ling, how is the matter going, let's do it now!"

Seeing that Nie Chenyi was so impatient, Ling Jueche was even more willing to do it, "Yes!"

When 'Yunmo' left Lingyuan, facing Ling Junhan's indifference was a bit unexpected, she couldn't figure it out, how could Ling Junhan turn his back on him as soon as he said it, except for the harm he did to him that day, but she already regretted it!

One person thought to herself, as soon as she walked out of Lingyuan, she saw a car stop in front of her, the door opened, some men in black suits got out of the car, covered their mouths, and dragged them into the car forcibly, she wanted to call Help, but her mouth was squeezed tightly, so she could only watch the car go further and further in the opposite direction of Lingyuan!
As everyone knows, the two people standing in Lingyuan saw it clearly.

Artest was even a little puzzled. For Yunmo, Ling Junhan loved Yun Mo more than his own life. When would he turn a blind eye to her, and for the first time this tough guy in front of him began to worry.

"Young Master Ling!"

Seeing Artai's worried and puzzled look, Ling Junhan raised his eyebrows and smiled, this kid is stubborn.

That dummy is so different from his wife that I can't guess it, it's really a lump of elm!

Forget it, let him think about it enough!

"Miss Yun, she..."

"Xiaomo, what happened to her?"

Ling Junhan was rarely in a good mood, and finally got rid of a thorn in his side, and now he is as long as his wife wakes up, the life and death of other people is a shit.

Artest saw that he asked the question knowingly, and he was not knowledgeable about current affairs, maybe Ling Shao had figured it out!
Seeing that it was almost time, Ling Junhan was about to start collecting the net.

"Tai, inform Ah Wu that it's almost time for the line to be released, and we're going to start cleaning up these pests!"


Artest immediately became cautious.

These days, Ah Wu has been secretly monitoring Ling Jueche and the others, controlling their every move.

Now that I heard the signal from Ling Shao to close the net, I can't wait to gear up, and finally I can do a big job!
After Ling Junhan gave Artest instructions, he couldn't wait to drive out and head towards the laboratory.

He basically comes here to hug him every day, looking at the sleeping Yunmo, he feels very resentful in his heart, wishing to cut Nie Chenyi into pieces, this bastard who kills a thousand times, just doesn't believe that he can protect Yunmo well .

After making so many things, he can only watch but not eat, who can understand the uselessness in his heart!

Isn't it just to make his company lose something? As for such revenge!

"Sir, Young Master Nie just called to say that Xiaomo is about to wake up!"

The corner of Ling Junhan's mouth twitched slightly, this brat really knows how to save face, "Got it, Rong Ma, you go out first, I want to spend time with Xiaomo!"

(End of this chapter)

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