Chapter 374

"Mr. Artest, aren't you trying to kill me!"

Liu Kai put the share transfer document aside and looked at Artest.

Artest sneered, "Mr. Liu, you are so naive, don't you think we have nothing to do if you don't sign? I remember Mr. Liu's family is..."

"I sign!"

He was a single passer for three generations, and finally had a son. He didn't want to kill his son because of it!

"He who understands current affairs is a hero, Mr. Liu really understands current affairs!"

Artest took the document in his hand and waved to the two people behind him.

"However, Young Master Ling has already explained that if you can betray him for the first time, it will be the second time. Such people will never be tolerated, so I'm sorry!"

"Ah..." Liu Kai collapsed on the ground, "Mr. Artest, I have already signed, please let me go, please!"

The man in black opened the valves on the left and right, and the wolves rushed towards Liu Kai one after another, with miserable sounds.

Artai left the wolf club without raising his eyelids. He didn't have the slightest sympathy for people like Liu Kai. If he didn't die today, they would die in the future.

Artest left the Wolf Clubhouse and rushed towards the Cloud Hotel.

There is another person waiting for him at the Cloud Hotel.

Inside the Yunyun Hotel, there is a greasy man holding a seductive woman in his arms. This woman is Li Qi who was abandoned by Wen Xinde before. Her disgusted eyes are buried in the man's arms. Passed over her clothes.

Li Qi still greeted him with a smile, he didn't care!
When Artest opened the door and walked in, the man paused, let go of the woman's hand in an instant, and sat down properly!

Artest came to open a chair and sat down opposite the man, "Mr. Liao, long time no see, life is going well!"

"Mr. Artest!" Liao Wan hurriedly pushed the woman away, and looked at Artest with a flattering smile, "Mr. Artai is really good at joking, and I just want to join in the show!"

Artest ignored Liao Wanwan and glanced at Li Qi who was standing aside.

Immediately meeting Artest's eyes, as if he was in an ice cellar, he hurriedly opened the stool and ran out first.

Seeing that the outsiders had cleaned up, Artai looked at Liao Wan with a sneer.

"Mr. Liao really knows how to join in the show, but if you can still be so calm after watching this, then I, Artest, will be convinced!"

After finishing speaking, he threw the mobile phone in his hand at Liao Wanwan and clicked on the video inside.

The heroine above is his wife and his daughter, and they are showing lustful and satisfied smiles under a group of men.

Satisfied groans came from inside from time to time, looking at their flushed faces, Liao Wan, a veteran in experience, already knew that they were abnormal, and knew that today would not escape this disaster.

"Am I the first!"

Artest shook his head otherwise, "No!"

A ferocious and satisfied smile appeared on Liao Wanwan's face, "Those old bastards surrendered in front of me, and I, Liao Wanwan, did not lose to them until my death!"

People are like this, even when they are in a desperate situation, they are still restless!

"What do you want me to do?"

"Sign this, then go to the sky tower and jump off!"

"it is good!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Liao Wan immediately signed the door. Looking at Artest and the others who had left, he knew his end, and also understood Ling Junhan's usual style of doing things, so he blamed himself for being malicious.

How could he be fooled by the father and son, forgetting that the really dangerous and cruel person was by his side, and finally showed a desolate smile.

(End of this chapter)

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