Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 375 Ling Junhan's Plan

Chapter 375 Ling Junhan's Plan
This kind of drama was staged in more than 20 different places in city A and the capital at the same time.

Every day in the business news, various elite bosses, unable to bear the blow, committed suicide by jumping off the building.

This matter seems strange, but no one has just investigated it.

Ling Qiu'an and his son, who had been caught up in self-entertainment, couldn't help but panic when they heard the news that came one after another.

Even their own property suffered heavy losses, the stocks plummeted, and the shares were bought by mysterious people, far exceeding what they held.

The two of them knew this loss well, it was Ling Junhan.

Ling Qiu'an couldn't sit still any longer and came to Ling Jueche's Bieyiju, looking at Ling Jueche in Bieyiju.

"Jue Che, you still have time to stay here, do you know that our company has also been invaded by Ling Junhan!"

Ling Jueche sneered, "Father, don't worry, I still have important bargaining chips in my hands. Even if Ling Junhan takes the entire company, he will obediently return it!"


"Father, have you forgotten the orphan girl Yunmo adopted by the Ling family?"

Ling Qiu'an immediately became interested, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Could it be that Yun Mo that Ling Junhan spent five years looking for without sleep!"

"That's right, Ling Junhan cares about her, let alone a company!"

"You are sure it is Yunmo!"

"She is locked in the back, don't worry, you can go and see, but Ling Junhan is so busy now, he must never have thought that she would fall into my hands!"

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'm relieved!"

After Ling Qiuan left Bieyiju, Ling Jueche called Nie Chenyi.

"Are things ready!"

"Everything is ready, just start!"

Nie Chenyi said, and hung up the phone. Nie Chenyi looked at the phone and raised his eyebrows. Seeing that the network will be closed soon, Yunmo is about to wake up!
Nie Chenyi sighed deeply, got up and drove away from Qiyueju.

Walk towards Yu Xie.

In Yuxie, Jun Mowen had already been waiting for him.

I haven't seen him for a while, but Jun Mowen has matured a lot. He has changed from being flirtatious and fearless before, and has become mature and steady. The mark of the years has left a mark on his face.

"Jun Mo asked!"

"You came!"

Nie Chenyi looked at Jun Mowen, his maturity exceeded his expectations, he never thought that Jun Mowen, who had always been rebellious, would change his temperament greatly after Jun Moyou's death, and his change would be surprising.

Nie Chenyi nodded.

"Ling Jueche joined forces with my second uncle and third uncle, so your actions may have unexpected results!"

"I know this!"

"And Yunmo is also in their hands!"

"I know!"

Jun Mo asked without a trace of doubt, "I want to hear about your plan, this is related to my Jun family, I must know!"

"You can go to Ling Junhan, this matter was planned by him from the beginning to the end!"

"Ling Junhan!"

Nie Chenyi nodded, "Yes, since Yunmo came back, he has been planning. He wants to build a safe and non-threatening home for Yunmo, so I cooperate with him like this."

Jun Mowen was completely stunned by this answer, he didn't expect that all of this was Ling Junhan's plan.

"Then Moyou's death!"

"It's him too!"

Jun Mowen couldn't help but tremble a bit, how could it be, all of this was Ling Junhan's trap.

"Why is he?"

"Because of Leng Xiuya, Jun Moyou hurt Du Xinyan. Ling Junhan is a stingy person, and he will take revenge. Anyone who hurts the people he values ​​will end well. The reason why Jun Moyou died so comfortably is because of him. I don't want to make Yun Mo sad, otherwise you think he will really hand over Jun Moyou to you and let your Jun family go!"

(End of this chapter)

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