Chapter 376 You Are My Sister

"What's more, she hurt the person he cares most about!"

Nie Chenyi's words made Jun Mowen stunned, he struggled for so long, originally all of this was Ling Junhan's opportunity.

"Second uncle and third uncle are also him!"

Jun Mowen looked at Nie Chenyi firmly.

Nie Chenyi smiled and did not deny it, "I said that he is a person who will take revenge. Some things would have been disintegrated without him personally taking action, just like the Jun family. Blame their greed!"

Jun Mowen deeply felt that Ling Junhan was terrifying.

Although he has never underestimated him, he still can't see through him. This man is too deep, and it is impossible for anyone to see through him.

Maybe no one can control it except Yunmo!

"Why are you telling me all this!"

"Because it's all coming to an end!"

"Really, he cares about Yunmo so much, and Yunmo that Ling Jueche is holding in his hands..."

The answer is ready to come out, how could Ling Junhan be willing to let Yunmo be arrested? If something really happened to Yunmo, with Ling Junhan's character, he would probably do whatever it takes, even if he died with Ling Jueche, he would not even bat an eyelid.

But Ling Jueche is not worthy, even if Leng Tianao is added, they are still not worthy. Thinking about it, the two of them are still caught in their own complacency, thinking that they are sure of victory, but they don't know that they are being played and applauded!

How pathetic to think of them!
Nie Chenyi drank a cup of coffee that Jun Mowen ordered for him on the table, "Remember, even if you offend the whole world, don't offend Ling Junhan. Even now, I don't even understand one-third of Ling Junhan's horror. !"

After speaking, get up and prepare to leave!

"Thank you!"

Jun Mowen said to him, he knew that when their matter is resolved, the matter of their Jun family will also be solved, and those difficult things for him can come to an end, and he can even have a good explanation with his grandfather!
Nie Chenyi can know this, he is no longer weaker than Ling Junhan, the two are equally terrifying!
Nie Chenyi paused for a moment. For the Jun family, he hated him when his heart was hurt. The current situation of the Jun family cannot do without his help.

Now it can be regarded as redemption!

Nie Chenyi strode away from Yuxie. Just after he walked out of Yuxie, he saw Nie Shuiling standing at the door waiting for him. She must have been waiting for him for a long time.

Looking at Nie Shuiling, this is the person he watched and grew up with, but because of an identity issue later, Nie Shuiling hated their family.


When Nie Shuiling saw Nie Chenyi, it was as if she had lived forever, a smile appeared on her pale and bloodless face.

"Long time no see, can we chat!"

Nie Chenyi nodded!

In five years, Nie Shuiling changed from an ignorant little girl to the haggard woman she is today. During this process, she has experienced a lot of pain, and no one knows about it!
Nie Chenyi took Nie Shuiling into Yuxie and ordered some of Nie Shuiling's favorite foods.

As Nie Shuiling watched, big tears flowed from his eyes, "Why, I treated you that way!"

Seeing Nie Shuiling's tears, Nie Chenyi sighed heavily, "You are my sister, and you will not be indifferent just because we are not related by blood. This is an unchangeable fact!"

"But, I treated it that way," Nie Shuiling really wanted to call her mother, but she was ashamed to call, she deeply hurt the mother who loved her, and after a long while, she found an appropriate word, "She!"

(End of this chapter)

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