Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 383 The Death of Mr. Ling

Chapter 383 The Death of Mr. Ling

Ling Qiu'an hung up the phone, the hatred bursting out of his eyes made his wrinkled face twisted into a terribly ferocious face.

Mu Ran thought of Mr. Ling sitting beside her, so she hurriedly withdrew her gaze, and turned her head to look at Mr. Ling with snot and tears.

"Father, Jun Han is so ruthless that he even put his mind on Ling's head. Just now they called and told me that some of Ling's sensible rebellions were bought by Jun Han. Father, you can make the decision for me. !"

Facing Ling Qiu'an's ineffectiveness, Mr. Ling endured it no matter how hard he tried, but there is a bottom line to patience!
Mr. Ling couldn't bear it anymore, so he slapped him away, "Nie Zi, do you really think I'm blind, Jun Han, Jun Han, everything is Jun Han, and you, you know what you have done , you good-for-nothing Dongfang, let’s see if I won’t beat you to death today!”

Ling Yunhe was completely angry!

Seeing that things didn't go as he expected, Ling Qiu'an immediately panicked when Mr. Ling pointed his finger at him!

He, who was originally anxious, became even more angry and obsessed, "Father, you must help me!"

Ignoring old man Ling's anger, he grabbed old man Ling and shouted.

"You bastard!"

Old Master Ling is also a stubborn tempered person, he usually takes soft things rather than tough ones, but when he saw that his son was not only ignorant of his mistakes, but also reasonable, he was so angry that he picked up his crutches and beat Ling Qiu'an!
Ling Qiu'an had long been confused by the news that Ling Junhan wanted to occupy the Ling family, and lost his mind. Seeing that Mr. Ling was going crazy, he was so angry that he stretched out his hand to push Mr. Ling!
I don't know if it was God's trick or Mr. Ling died here!
The car door was not locked, Ling Qiuan pushed old man Ling back, and old man Ling leaned against the car door non-stop.

The door of the driving car was not locked again. When Mr. Ling leaned against the door, the door opened, and Mr. Ling just rolled out of the car under Ling Qiu'an's push!
Ling Qiu'an was stunned by the scene in front of him, and when he calmed down, he opened the car door and looked at Old Man Ling lying in a pool of blood.

Old Master Ling stretched out his blood-stained finger and pointed at Ling Qiu'an, "You unfilial son!"

After finishing speaking, he will lie in a pool of blood forever!

Ling Qiu'an just stared blankly at his father dying in front of his eyes, with a flustered expression, his first reaction was not to save his father, but to think about how to shirk responsibility!

"It's not me. If you want to blame, blame Ling Junhan. He killed you!"

The frenzied Ling Qiu'an did not go to help Mr. Ling who was lying in a pool of blood, but only let the driver drive away to flee the scene!

Leaving Mr. Ling alone in a pool of blood, it wasn't until a kind person came here and called the police that Mr. Ling was carried away!
A generation of heroes just died at the hands of his son and was abandoned!
The Ling's Old Home in Beijing.

Mrs. Ling received a call from the hospital and heard the news of Mr. Ling's death. Unable to accept the fact, Mrs. Ling passed out and yelled "Old man!" and passed out!

The pillar of the Ling family fell, and it became a mess in an instant!

Ling Qiufeng rushed to the hospital after hearing the news, but before he entered the hospital, Ling Qiuan dragged him out, scolded bloody, "Good Ling Qiufeng, your son killed his father, you still have the face to come here!"

The death of Old Master Ling was a sensation. Many reporters came and listened to Ling Qiuan's words. In an instant, Ling Junhan, who was far away in City A, became a lost cause.

Ling Qiufeng looked at the guilty Ling Qiuan, "Brother, you have to give evidence when you speak, Jun Han is far away in City A, how did you kill your father!"

(End of this chapter)

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