Chapter 384 Grandson is Late

"Haha, far away in City A, he is your son, of course you said that, do you know that father rushed back from City A!"

Ling Qiu'an raised her voice, fearing that others would not know!

When Ling Qiufeng heard the words, he was speechless!

But he always believed that his son was definitely not the kind of person who would bully his master and destroy his ancestors, and would kill his own grandfather!

"Brother, when it comes to evidence, justice lies in people's hearts, and the truth will always come to light!"

After speaking, she left Ling Qiu'an and walked towards the room.

At this moment, Mrs. Ling has come to her senses, looking at Ling Yunhe lying on the bed with a pale face, still standing tall, but without a trace of anger!
With tears running down his face, "Old man, it's all over now, you are relieved, have you endured my oppression for so many years, are you already impatient!"

Ling Qiufeng walked in, listening to Mrs. Ling's words, tears ran down his face!

"Mother, please let me know your condolences!"

Mrs. Ling nodded lightly, and then she took her gaze away from Mr. Ling's face, "Have you informed Jun Han, this old man liked Jun Han the most before he was alive, let Jun Han come and see him off!"

"Notice, it should be here soon, mother, you have to pay attention to yourself, don't let father worry!"

"Okay, okay, I'm fine!"

Mrs. Ling seemed to have aged 30 or [-] years in an instant, and her originally tough body became a little staggering in an instant!

Ling Qiu'an, who had been standing at the door listening to the conversation between the two, had bone-piercing hatred in his resentful eyes, damn it!
Jun Han, Jun Han, everything is Ling Junhan!
"Mother, it was Ling Junhan who killed my father, why should I inform him!"

"Uncle, you can eat food randomly, but you can't talk randomly!"

Ling Junhan hurried over with his whole body covered in dust. As soon as he arrived at the door, he heard the villain Ling Qiuan complaining first!
Ling Junhan's majestic voice made Ling Qiu'an shudder, and then Ling Junhan was unabashedly angry when he caught his eye!
This was the first time he saw Ling Junhan like this!

Ling Junhan looked at Mr. Ling who was lying on the bed, his originally gloomy face became even gloomy, and there was an undisguised murderous look in his deep eyes, and he clacked his hands!
"Jun Han!"

Ling Qiufeng shouted first!
Ling Junhan stared at Old Master Ling who was lying on the bed without blinking, "Grandpa, I'm sorry, my grandson is late!"

Immediately, he came to Madam Ling, stretched out his hand and hugged Madam Ling into her arms, "Grandma, don't worry, my grandson will definitely avenge Grandpa, and make those who killed him a thousand times worse!"

Hearing Ling Junhan's slightly sworn oath, Ling Qiu'an felt inexplicably uneasy, and couldn't help but tremble a little!
"Jun Han, your grandfather has always cared about saving face all his life. You must make his funeral fun for him. I'm afraid he will be lonely!"

"Grandma, don't worry!"

His deep eyes looked at Ling Qiu'an with hatred, and Ling Qiu'an was stared at by him, his feet were filled with lead, and he couldn't move!
The arrival of Ling Junhan made Ling Qiu'an completely stunned. The previous vows became speechless in an instant, and he even deliberately avoided Ling Junhan!
The reporters who have been away have also seen these clues. Some speculated that they were threatened by Ling Junhan, while others said that Ling Qiuan had a guilty conscience!
For a while, there were different opinions. In order to prevent the scandal of the Ling family from being exposed to the public, Ling Junhan wiped out all the newspapers that reported to the Ling family overnight.

Seeing Ling Junhan's swift and cruel way of doing things, Ling Qiu'an's heart sank again!
(End of this chapter)

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