Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 385 Mr. Jun's Plan

Chapter 385 Mr. Jun's Plan
Ling Junhan single-handedly organized Mr. Ling's funeral, and it was very beautiful!

All the people who came to worship were his old comrades-in-arms, and some even came here just to be famous!

Ling Junhan stood there from beginning to end, without a trace of a smile on his face, even more cold, his deep eyes seemed to have a layer of ice, and everyone who passed in front of him felt the coldness.

Even Mr. Jun, who had lived for decades, shuddered at the sight of Ling Junhan!

Jun Mowen followed Mr. Jun to Mr. Ling's funeral, saw Ling Junhan's cold expression, sighed silently, and said to himself.

This time, it was that unlucky ghost again who touched Ling Junhan's Ni Lin!

The disappearance of those previous newspapers overnight is a warning, and this warning is devastating to the whole country!

Mr. Ling doted on Ling Junhan the most during his lifetime. Anyone who knew the surname Ling knew about it!
Ling Junhan was brought up in the military camp by Mr. Ling since he was a child. Mr. Ling, who has always been known for his bad temper, only loses his temper when facing his precious grandson Ling Junhan!

And Ling Junhan's temperament is exactly the same as that of old man Ling.It can be seen how much Ling Junhan admired his grandfather.

That was a god-like reverence. Now, someone moved the god in his heart.

This consequence is not something anyone can bear, believe me, I will not give up until I die!
But there are not many people in the whole country who can kill Ling Junhan!
Jun Mowen came to Ling Junhan's side, "Young Master Ling, my condolences are changing!"

After finishing speaking, he followed Mr. Jun and walked in!
Mr. Jun looked at the wretched and regretful Ling Qiu'an, and secretly shook his head!

"Grandpa, did you find anything?"

When Jun Mowen saw that Mr. Jun shook his head and sighed, he couldn't help shouting.

Mr. Jun looked at Jun Mowen, then at Ling Junhan, and couldn't help but start planning in his mind, if the Jun family sold Ling Junhan this favor, then...

Master Jun couldn't wait any longer, and hurriedly whispered in Jun Mowen's ear.

"Go and find Ling Qiu'an's driver!"

"Grandpa's meaning!"


"Okay!" Jun Mo asked. After all this time, he naturally knew what his grandfather was planning. Of course, he was also very happy. You know, if Ling Junhan owed the Jun family a favor, it would be a huge benefit to the Jun family. And no harm.

To exaggerate, even if the Jun Group is now bankrupt, Ling Junhan can revive it!
Jun Mowen quickly left the funeral, and secretly ordered to go down and use all his strength to find Ling Qiuan's driver and family members!
And Ling Jueche, who has never shown up, has already received Ling Qiuan's order to kill his driver to silence him!
Ling Qiuan's driver, Li Fan, knew that he would not live long, so he took advantage of Ling Qiuan's panic and ran away quickly, not even caring about his wife and children!

When Jun Mowen found Li Fan's family, he found that they had all disappeared!

He thought to himself that there was indeed a ghost in this matter, and immediately sent someone to follow Ling Jueche's men, and chase after them in their footsteps!
Finally rescued Li Fan at a farm!
Jun Mowen looked at Li Fan who was in danger, and immediately sent him to the hospital in a concealed way, and took care of him carefully!

Ling Junhan captured the video of that part of the journey through some means. Looking at the video, Mr. Ling suddenly rolled out of the car door. He already understood that this incident had something to do with Ling Qiu'an!
(End of this chapter)

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