Chapter 387 Just Wake Up

In the middle of the night, the moonlight formed a circle of light in the sky, and Ling Junhan's lonely figure stood alone beside the bed, looking at the lights of hundreds of families, sinking into the grief of losing old master Ling!
He just stood there quietly for an unknown how long, his mind was full of images of Mr. Ling getting along with him.

Since childhood, his father was busy and his mother was jealous. He was like an orphan. Grandpa couldn't understand him, so he took him back to his king's camp to raise him, and told him that a man can't be so weak, he must be strong.

You have to fight for what you want, others will not give it to you!
Since he was five years old, he has been with his grandfather and has been living in the military camp. He thought he would be in the military camp in the future. When he knew his mother passed away, he was bound by her hatred and resolutely ignored his grandfather's obstruction and left. Barracks, join the business!
Naturally, the support of grandpa is indispensable!
Therefore, I failed my grandfather's entrustment, and recalled every word and every word of my grandfather in my ear, which made his hatred that had just been pacified explode again!
This time he will not make mistakes again, he will definitely not let go of the person who hurt his grandpa!

Just as he was deep in thought, a pair of fair and slender hands held the coat and thoughtfully put it on for him!
His long-term vigilance immediately woke him up, and when he looked behind him, what caught his eyes was that absolutely beautiful face, with clear eyes full of worry and guilt, it was the person he was thinking about day and night !


The moment he saw the person coming, he couldn't wait to embrace him in his arms, with a low voice, filled with endless sadness.

Yunmo sighed softly, hugged him tightly behind her back, and whispered softly in his ear.

"Han, I'm sorry, but I wasn't by your side when you needed me most!"

"It's okay, just wake up!"

Ling Junhan buried his head deeply on Yunmo's neck, sniffing Yunmo's unique body fragrance, he missed her so much, how long had it been since he hugged her like this.

"Well, I will never leave you again, not even for a moment!"

Ling Junhan opened a little distance between the two of them, looking at Yun Mo's still pale and weak face, his heart ached, if it wasn't for protecting Yun Mo, he would definitely beat Nie Chenyi to death!
Seeing the person who still misses him alive in front of her eyes, she couldn't help but bow her head and kiss her.

The delicate kiss carried the longing and pity for Yunmo, telling it bit by bit!

Yun Mo didn't resist at all, and wrapped her arms around Ling Junhan's neck, catering to his movements. She knew that Ling Junhan missed her, and similarly, she missed Ling Junhan no less than Ling Junhan!
During this period of deep sleep, although she fell asleep, it does not mean that she is unconscious. On the contrary, she is very clear about every move outside, including every word and every word Ling Junhan said to her, she remembers it!
The two people who see each other every day but haven't seen each other for a long time are cuddling each other at this moment, and only each other is left in the whole world, tightly dependent and entangled!
The milky white moonlight shone through the window, shining on the two of them with God's blessing, with circles of light.

There is so sweetness and happiness in the light, which proves that the two have suffered so much and finally got happiness.

There was a burst of spring light and ripples in the room, this night, they belonged to each other!

There is no grievance, no hatred, no sadness, let alone sorrow, everything is so harmonious and happy!

The whole Lingyuan fell into silence, as if knowing the thoughts brought by the owner of the house!

(End of this chapter)

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