Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 388 The Husband Is Really Nice

Chapter 388 The Husband Is Really Nice
The next day, Ling Junhan saw that Yunmo had lost a lot of weight due to the long inactivity, and dragged her into the practice room with distress!
Artest is undergoing special training in the practice room!

The moment he saw Yunmo, like a hedgehog, he erected his obvious thorns, and stared at Yunmo nervously with his frosty face.

Yun Mo looked at Ling Junhan amusedly!

"A-Tai, do you hate me so much!"

Artai really wanted to say yes, but seeing Ling Junhan's rarely smiling face, his deep eyes revealing a touch of doting towards Yunmo, he avoided his head angrily!
His master is really worthless as the old man said!

After being hurt like that by the woman in front of him, as soon as she came back, she surrounded her.

Ling Junhan caught a glimpse of Artai rolling his eyes, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, "Okay, the previous Yunmo was made by Nie Chenyi, and this little Mo is the deity!"

When will this silly boy open up his mind!

This time Artest was stunned, his eyes widened in disbelief, looking at the smiling Yunmo in front of him.

"Her, you!"

Become incoherent!

Yun Mo smiled and shook her head, "What a elm head!"

After finishing speaking, he followed Ling Junhan and walked aside, watching his practice room full of masculine training, with black lines all over his face, and innocently looking at Ling Junhan!
Seeing his wife getting angry, Ling Junhan immediately raised his hands to surrender, the majesty he had pretended in front of Artest instantly collapsed, and he hurried over to support Yunmo.

"Honey, I have asked Artest to prepare your things, and they will be ready soon!"

"Hmph, it's almost there!"

Yunmo felt completely stiff, not like her, moving her neck bones uncomfortably.

Seeing this, Ling Junhan recalled the scene he often saw on TV in the past, the husband was massaging his wife.

He quickly pulled Yun Mo down into a room, and seeing no one around, he let Yun Mo sit on the stool!

"Honey, sit down and let my husband serve you well!"

"Husband is so nice!"

She stood on tiptoe and planted a loud kiss on his face, the cunning flashed in her clear eyes.

She still doesn't understand Ling Junhan, he loves face so much, he gives her a massage, and even brings her to such a hidden place.

The kiss was louder on purpose.

Ling Junhan didn't realize this little thought, tasted the sweetness of Yunmo, and massaged it even harder!
"Honey, how are you? Are you comfortable?"


Yunmo's loud kiss made Artai, who was arranging the fitness equipment for Yunmo outside, raise his hands, slipped and fell to the ground.

The corners of his mouth kept twitching, and he secretly exclaimed in his heart, God, is that idiot Ling Junhan just now still his Young Master Ling!
well!No wonder people often say that the IQ of a lover is zero, and even his omnipotent master has fallen.

It's just abusive, are they single dogs!
But thinking back to the time when he was chasing Yunmo in a car abroad, Yunmo's wit and cunning really matched his master very well!

It has to be said that Yun Mo is the only person in this world who is worthy of his master!
Ling Junhan, who was being cheerful, didn't know that he was a wise, omnipotent, and aloof god in Artest's heart, and instantly devalued his worth and became an idiot!
I believe that if he knew, he would try his best to torture Artest!
"Honey, you, before!"

Ling Junhan really wanted to ask her if she could hear what he said when she was in a coma. At that time, for Yunmo to wake up, he had to go all out!
Yun Mo seemed not to understand his scruples, and nodded honestly, "Was it when I was in a coma? Although I was in a coma, I was very conscious, and I heard everything you said!"

(End of this chapter)

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