Chapter 393 Are You Ready?

The next day.

Dongfang Yuan returned home early, Yang Nian got ready early and was extremely nervous at home.

Yang Shuirou is actually very simple, but she didn't make it so obvious. You must know that this is Dongfang Yuan's first time taking her out to play, especially now that her relationship with Dongfang Yuan is gradually easing, which makes her secretly happy!
Seeing Dongfang Yuan open the door and come in, Yang Nian couldn't wait to rush forward, "Uncle!"

Dongfang Yuan hugged Yang Nian in his arms, and asked lovingly, "Are you ready with mom?"

"Okay, I'll wait for you!"

"Okay." Dongfang Yuan hugged Yang Nian and walked towards Yang Shuirou who was preparing something. Seeing her busy back, a rare smile appeared on the corner of Dongfang Yuan's mouth, "Are you ready!"

Hearing this, Yang Shuirou couldn't hide her excitement, she thought that Dongfang Yuan would never have this day, her imagination was a bit unbelievable, she stood there at a loss, "Okay!"

Yang Shuirou's nervousness made Dongfang Yuan and his son look at each other, and Dongfang Yuan turned his gaze towards Yang Nian.

Yang Nian ran out of the room knowingly, "I'll get my schoolbag!"

Watching Yang Nian run out, Dongfang Yuan saw that Yang Shuirou was even more embarrassed, walked into her slowly, stretched out his hand to hold Yang Shuirou's helpless hand, "We missed too much before, let's make up for it together, even the one that Xiao Nian regretted. part!"

When Yang Shuirou raised her head, her eyes were red and her heart throbbed unmatchedly, she nodded her head hard, "Okay!"

"Then let's go, don't make Xiao Nian wait any longer!"

Just as Dongfang Yuan took a step forward, he found that Yang Shuirou was standing still, turning his head to look at her suspiciously.

Yang Shuirou hesitated for a moment, and then said, "I'm sorry, I don't know how to tell Xiao Nian that you are his father's business, I'm afraid he won't be able to accept it, can you give him more time!"

Dongfang Yuan smiled to himself, this silly woman probably doesn't know how cunning her son is, I really feel sorry for his son, he is obviously very smart, in order not to make his mother sad, he has been deliberately pretending to be stupid in front of her for so many years!
"Do not worry!"

With that said, he dragged her towards the door in big strides.

Yang Nian had already prepared his schoolbag and sat on the sofa with a lollipop in his hand, waiting for the two of them bored!

When seeing the two people coming out, there was a hint of cunning in the blue eyes.

Seeing this, Dongfang Yuan shook his head rascally, meeting a precocious son and a silly wife, Dongfang Yuan will be very busy in his future life, but he enjoys it.

Looking at him, Dongfang Yuan waved to him, "Let's go!"


Yang Nian jumped up from the sofa and firmly held Dongfang Yuan's thick and warm palm, which was a feeling he had never felt before.

Dongfang Yuan took Yang Shuirou and Yang Nian into the car, took out the things he had prepared and handed them to Yang Shuirou.

"Come on, bring it, the sun is a bit big!"

Yang Shuirou took the bag, took out the hat and glasses inside, couldn't help but feel a ripple in his heart, when did this man become so caring.

Yang Nian looked at the hat and glasses his father had prepared for him, and excitedly took them from Yang Shuirou's hands, holding them in his hands and having fun.

Dongfang Yuan looked at this naughty son, reached out and took the hat from his hand, and put it on his head, "Wear it well!"

Then he took out another white hat from the bag and put it on Yang Shuirou's head, "Put it on too, don't get burned by the sun!"

The smile of a happy young and middle-aged woman appeared on Yang Shuirou's face!

(End of this chapter)

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