Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 394 Artest Will Take Care Of It

Chapter 394 Artest Will Take Care Of It

In the Ling courtyard, when Yunmo woke up, Ling Junhan was no longer on the bed. Looking at the empty bed, Yunmo was not used to it. Thinking about today's schedule, she quickly turned over from the bed and walked towards the bathroom!

After taking a shower, she changed into white casual clothes, with a high ponytail. Although Yun Mo is now 24, her delicate face still looks young and tender like a girl!

She walked towards the living room refreshed.

Seeing Ling Junhan by accident, I felt a little puzzled, didn't I already promised to take her out to play today, why did she disappear early in the morning, what's going on?

"Mother Rong, what about Han!"

Seeing Mama Rong busy in the kitchen, Yunmo asked.

Rong Ma took Yunmo's breakfast and put it on the dining table, with a motherly smile on her face, "He'll be right back, you have something to eat first, to rest your stomach!"

"Well, thank you, Mama Rong!"

I really don't know what Ling Junhan is playing again, maybe he forgot.

After Yunmo finished her breakfast, before she had time to pack her things, she saw Ling Jun came in hurriedly, and dragged her out in big strides.

While walking, at some point, he put the hat in his hand on Yunmo's head, and even took out a pair of sunglasses like a magic trick.

Seeing this equipment, Yunmo was confused, does this look like going to an amusement park!
"Han, where is this going?"

"Follow me and you'll know!"

Ling Junhan didn't take Artest with him this time, and he drove Yunmo in his car and disappeared in Lingyuan.

In the car, seeing him in such a hurry, Yun Mo couldn't help asking, "Are you busy today?"

"It's okay, Artest will take care of it!"

Yun Mo felt a little guilty, knowing that Ling Junhan had been worrying about her grandfather for a long time, so she was a little unreasonable.

"Why don't you?"

Ling Junhan stopped the car and looked at her seriously, "Are you sure!"

Although Yunmo was very reluctant, she couldn't bear to make Ling Junhan work so hard, "You can go to the amusement park in the future, the most important thing is to finish your business first!"

"Okay!" Ling Junhan turned the steering wheel and drove in the opposite direction from the amusement park.

Although Yunmo understands it very well, she can't bear to feel a little uncomfortable in her heart. What and what?
This is too bullying, don't you know that women are duplicity, just say it and believe it!
Trapped in despair, Yun Mo didn't notice the flash of calculation in Ling Junhan's deep eyes, and the slight smile overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

His Yunmo is too easy to deceive!

He discussed with the other two all night before finalizing it on the spot.

He had to give Yunmo some romance before the storm came, and after this incident, they would be greeted by the most grand wedding in the country.

Under Ling Junhan's pressing step by step, Ling Qiu'an was almost on the verge of collapse, and even Ling Jueche, who had always been swearing by it, became not so confident.

Ling Junhan is such a person. If he wants to defeat a person, he won't just hurt their body, even their soul.

While Yunmo was at a loss, Ling Junhan's car had already arrived at the destination.

Leng Xiuya also arrived in time with Du Xinyan, only Dongfang Yuan was late.

As soon as their car stopped, a white shadow quickly ran up to Yunmo, "Xiaomo!"

Yunmo regained her composure, stared at the strange things in front of her, and was stunned, "Xinyan, what are you doing?"

Suddenly realizing that he had been fooled, he turned his head to look at the culprit, and found that Ling Junhan's joking face could no longer hold back a wry smile.

(End of this chapter)

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