Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 401 Forgot to tell you

Chapter 401 Forgot to tell you

When they saw Leng Xiuya and Du Xinyan again, they were obviously different, and the sweetness in their eyes became deeper.

Ling Junhan had to end this fun early because of Qifeng's incident.

"Xiaomo, I'm sorry, I promise you, I will bring you here whenever I have time!"

The conflict between Ling Qiuan and Ling Jueche accelerated sharply, which made him have to take leave early.

He looked at Yunmo's joy this time, and because of this, he felt guilty. Since getting married, he didn't give her a decent wedding, and she never talked about it.

If it wasn't for not exposing Yun Mo's existence, he would have imagined the whole world announcing that his wife is Yun Mo!
"It's okay, I'm actually quite satisfied!"

Yunmo knew that the burden on Ling Junhan's shoulders was heavy, his grandfather's affairs and Qifeng's affairs weighed him down, and he had to take care of his grandma's mood.

She really hoped to relieve Ling Junhan's burden!
When Ling Junhan returned to Lingyuan, he couldn't wait to rush to the capital, and let people protect Yunmo every step of the way, while he brought Artai to the capital non-stop.

All of Ling Jueche's criminal information was handed over to the police by Ling Junhan, and everything about him was exposed under the noses of the people.

The first person he looked for was none other than Ling Qiu'an who had looked for him because of that incident that day.

"Father, why are you doing this!"

"Che'er, what are you talking about?"

Ling Qiu'an saw him provoking his master to question the crime, and some angry expressions slowly appeared on his wrinkled face. You must know that he also tried every means to hide it for him, and even secretly searched for those who sent him things!

"Isn't the evidence of my smuggling leaked from you!"


"Who would that be?"

"It should be Ling Junhan!"

Ling Qiuan said with certainty.

"Uncle is really cunning and cunning, so he guessed it right away!"

Ling Junhan brought Atai and the long-disappeared Awu to Ling Qiuan's house, with an evil charm that seemed to exist and not exist on his gloomy face.

"It's really you!"

Ling Jueche looked at the visitor in astonishment.

"Why, big brother, you are so surprised, then you have to hold on to the next surprise, don't crash!"

"Ling Junhan, what on earth are you going to do? He is your big brother!" Ling Qiuan saw that Ling Junhan was a little guilty at first, but in order to protect his son, he had to stand up.

"What I want to do depends on your performance. Now that the matter has been exposed, the two of you can only live as one, and one of you will definitely be a scapegoat. Don't say I didn't take care of you!"

Ling Junhan's magnetic voice, like the call of hell, urged them in their ears.

Hearing Ling Junhan's words, Ling Jueche's face flickered for no reason, and he glanced at Ling Qiuan uncontrollably, thinking of the hostage in his hands, he immediately looked away.

"Ling Junhan, I know you can cover the sky with one hand, but don't forget, Yunmo is in my hand. If you don't want her to be hurt, I may have to trouble you!"

Hearing this, Ling Junhan raised his eyebrows and smiled, and sat down on the chair that Artest asked to carry.

"The woman you mentioned, I forgot to tell you, the real identity of that woman, her surname is Li, her name is Xiaofang, she had plastic surgery to look like Xiaomo!"


Ling Jueche broke down completely, unable to accept the fact and took a step back.

He suddenly woke up, all of this was the result of his being too self-righteous and self-confident. There were many things that could be discovered, but he hadn't discovered them yet.

(End of this chapter)

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