Chapter 402 You lied to me
"Okay, I don't have time to watch your acting, you choose!"

Ling Junhan said indifferently.

Ling Jueche quickly knelt down beside Ling Qiuan, "Father, I don't want to, please help me!"


Ling Qiu'an looked at Ling Jueche's undisciplined appearance, and Ling Junhan's stable temperament, forming a stark contrast.

"Father, you are the only one who can help the child now. I'm still so young. It's not like going to jail. You are over sixty years old. Anyway, the Ling Group is gone, and you don't have to rely on it anymore, so!"

"You unfilial son!"

Ling Qiu'an pushed Ling Jueche away in despair, and strode towards Ling Junhan.

"Ling Junhan, you...boom!"

Before Ling Qiu'an finished speaking, he saw the blood on his chest spraying like a fountain, bright and dazzling.

He turned around in disbelief and looked at Ling Jueche who was standing behind him, pointing his gun at him.

Ling Jueche's face was full of madness, "Anyway, you killed grandpa, so let me avenge grandpa!"

"You scoundrel, I really deserve retribution!"

Ling Qiu'an's desperate eyes turned to Ling Junhan, Ling Junhan's expression was indifferent, as if he hadn't heard Ling Jueche's words.

"You get it, don't you!"

Ling Junhan got up from the chair and came to him, "Yes, do you still remember Lao Li? He told me that you pushed Grandpa out of the car!"

A desolate smile appeared on Ling Qiu'an's face, "You designed all of this!" After saying that, he closed his eyes, fell to the ground, and fell asleep forever.

Ling Junhan was as shocked as Ling Qiuan at the moment. He planned it this way, but he never expected that Ling Jueche would actually speak to his father in order to protect himself.

Even though he hated Ling Qiu'an in his heart, he was still his relative.

He just wanted to send the two of them to the government, but he ignored Ling Jueche's insanity!
Ling Junhan looked chillingly at Ling Jueche, who didn't have a trace of pain on his face, but was complacent and excited like asking for credit.

"Jun Han, you don't know yet, he killed grandpa, and I avenged grandpa!"

Ling Junhan looked at him in disappointment, "Ling Jueche, you are really disappointing. I never expected that you would really succeed in getting rid of the crime!"

Not to mention that Ling Junhan couldn't bear it, even Artai and Ah Wu felt sad. Although Ling Qiu'an was disgusting, Ling Jueche was like god and man!
Ling Jueche looked at Ling Junhan indifferently, "You promised, we can only live one, and now that he is dead, then I am the one who lives!"

"You go!"

He didn't want to see Ling Jueche any more for a second. This was his cousin who shared one-third of his blood, and he was indeed inferior to pigs and dogs in what he could do.

Ling Jueche didn't even look at Ling Qiu'an who was lying on the ground, and ran out of the room in a hurry.

As soon as he ran out of the room, he saw the police surrounded outside, and he ran to the police first.

"Comrade policeman, Ling Junhan killed someone. He killed my father. You must avenge me!"

Zhang Dashan looked at his face and waved his hand indifferently!

Immediately, two uniformed policemen came up and led Ling Jueche towards the police car.

Ling Jueche yelled, "You arrested the wrong person, it was Ling Junhan who killed him!"

Finally shouted, "Ling Junhan, you lied to me!"

Zhang Dashan watched the three of Ling Junhan come out, put the gun on his waist, "Young Master Ling!"

Ling Junhan looked at Zhang Dashan who was walking towards him, his deep eyes contained a mystery that no one knew, "Please trouble Officer Zhang!"

(End of this chapter)

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