Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 414 You are not allowed to drive in the future

Chapter 414 You are not allowed to drive in the future
Ling courtyard.

Yunmo looked at the home she had lived in for more than ten years with reluctance, and she secretly sighed.

It carries her hurt, her tears and her pain, but also her joy and love!

Rong Ma looked at Yun Mo sitting alone in the yard, lost in thought, ever since she heard Yun Mo say.

After they were going to move back to the capital, she knew it would be a matter of time, where would be the husband's home!


Yun Mo recovered from her contemplation, and looked at Rong Ma who was walking towards her with fruit.

Her face is still as kind as before, and her kind smile makes her feel like a mother, and it is also a ray of sunshine in those difficult days.

If she hadn't been taken care of by Mother Rong at that time, I'm afraid she would never know what would have happened.

"Mother Rong!"

Rong Ma put down the fruit, stretched out her hand to hold Yun Mo's hand, and placed it in her palm.

"Actually, the capital city is also very good. It is bigger and more prosperous than here. Moreover, Mama Rong thinks that you should get out of here and start a new life!"

"What about you, Mama Rong!"

"Me!" Mother Rong sighed, "I have lived here for most of my life, my children, my daughter-in-law, and even my grandson are here, and I am used to everything here."

"Xiao Mo, I know your heart, I am very grateful, my son came to me not long ago, my daughter-in-law and he regretted their past, begging for my forgiveness, originally I wanted to take care of you all the time, but they... Alas... forgive Mama Rong, please!"

"Rong Mama!" Yun Mo stretched out her arms and hugged Rong Mama tightly. She knew that Rong Mama should enjoy the family relationship in the world, but she just couldn't let go.

She grew up under the care of Rong's mother since she was a child. Rong's mother has long been an indispensable relative in her life. Now that her relatives are leaving her, she feels very sad.

"I miss you so much!"

"Silly boy, Mother Rong can't bear you either!"

After a while, Yun Mo was willing to lift her head from Rong Ma's embrace, and looked at Rong Ma, "Rong Ma, I want to visit your family, is that okay?"


"Then let's do it now!"

Meeting Yunmo's eyes, Rong's mother couldn't bear to refuse, so she nodded.

"it is good!"

Yun Mo took Rong Ma and the two out of Lingyuan, and saw Artest following them.

"Sister-in-law, what do you want?"

Yunmo looked at him, knowing that Ling Junhan was worried about her, and it happened that she also lacked someone to carry things.

"I want to accompany Mama Rong to see her family!"

Artest nodded knowingly, "Then I'll let Ah Fei accompany you guys!"

"Thank you!"

Yun Mo took Rong Ma to the door.

"A Fei!" Artest yelled behind him.

He always remembered Ling Junhan's instructions, no matter where Yunmo went, someone would accompany him, not because he didn't believe Yunmo, but because Yunmo was not allowed to drive.

Ling Junhan remembered it clearly, and what he had personally experienced was equally clear.

Although Yunmo's driving skills are good, but he is too wild, even though he is dangerous, he can compete with Ling Junhan.

Ling Junhan's worry, Yunmo knew that since Du Xinyan's incident, Ling Junhan didn't even let her touch the car, and he forcibly took back the sports car he bought specially for her.

"Xiao Mo, you are not allowed to drive in the future!"


"No why?"

Yun Mo looked at his indifferent face, and just wanted to act coquettishly, but was blocked by Ling Junhan's words.

"There is no room for negotiation on this matter!"

Yunmo thought it was funny.

Before walking out of the Lingyuan with Rong Ma, Ah Fei had already driven up to the two of them, and hurriedly got out of the car to open the car door for them.

"Sister-in-law, Rong Ma, please get in the car!"

(End of this chapter)

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