Chapter 415 Buy something
Yun Mo nodded, bent down and got into the car.

Afterwards, Mama Rong looked at Yunmo like this, with a loving smile on the corner of her mouth.

It can be seen that Yunmo is Ling Junhan's change.

Looking back, it was really like a dream. From the initial resistance to helpless acceptance, from evasion to acceptance step by step, the two experienced parting from life and death, and found their true love.

Yun Mo also became obedient from the stubborn little girl at first, maybe this is the fate of the two of them!
"A Fei, go to the mall first and buy something!"

"Xiao Mo, no need, they are already very happy that you can go to see them, how can they ask you to spend money!"

Mama Rong said hurriedly.

Yunmo knew how Mama Rong was feeling, but she knew better that she went this time for Mama Rong.

"Mother Rong, I know what you mean, but this is also the first time I meet them. I count as your family. Shouldn't family members bring some gifts when they visit their family members?"


"Okay, I know!"

After hearing this, Ah Fei drove towards the mall.

Yun Mo took Rong Ma and A Fei to sweep the mall.

No matter what Yunmo wanted to buy, Mama Rong's first reaction was to oppose it, fearing that Yunmo would waste money.

But Yunmo ignored Mama Rong.

She once remembered Rong's mother telling her that her family had a son, a daughter-in-law, and a little grandson!

Thinking of this, Yunmo couldn't help but think that five years ago, she was adopted by a farmer by Nie Chenyi. She had been back for such a long time, and she never had time to visit in the future, and she didn't know what happened to that family.

That day I had to take Ling Junhan to thank them, if it wasn't for their shelter that day, I am afraid she would not have known where she was.

Yun Mo went straight to the sweep, and Rong's mother had no choice but to resign to her fate in the end, choosing the right size for her son and daughter-in-law, and choosing some good-looking toys for her little grandson.

After choosing the clothes, Yunmo made eye contact with Ah Fei.

Ah Fei understood and ran to the food, with the same style as Yun Mo, and the two of them went crazy.

When Yun Mo left the shopping mall with Rong Ma, A Fei was already waiting outside in his car.

Seeing that there weren't many things in the car, Rong's mother secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but she didn't know that Ah Fei, a ghost, had already put things in the trunk to hide.

Ah Fei's behavior was just in line with Yunmo's intentions, and Yunmo secretly gave him a thumbs up.

Seeing this, Ah Fei immediately got up in a trance.

You know, sister-in-law is someone who even young master Ling is afraid of. If sister-in-law likes it, then young master Ling will naturally like it. Thinking about it, he feels elated.

A Fei followed Rong Ma's directions, and the three of them came to a relatively remote community.

The environment in the community is not very good, it is a bit dilapidated, and it may be 30 to [-] years old.

There is a security room at the entrance of the community, and there is an elderly man sitting in it. At the moment, the man is eating with a lunch box.

Looking at the car suddenly driving towards the community, his eyes lit up.

He looked at the car, the license plate was unfamiliar or familiar. Although he didn't know many famous cars, he felt that the car in front of him was definitely not simple, at least several million, and it was beyond the reach of people in their community!

He hurriedly put down his lunch box, stopped the car, and asked cautiously, "Excuse me, who are you looking for?"

A Fei rolled down the car window, seeing him asking this question, he turned his gaze to Yun Mo who was sitting behind.

Rong Ma couldn't wait to open the car door, looked at the old man, "Old Zheng, it's me!"

Seeing Rong's mother, Lao Zheng suddenly realized, "Old Rong, it's you!"

(End of this chapter)

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