Chapter 432 She's Dead

Seeing the three of them, Yunmo went back to the past in a trance, when he was with them without restraint.

"By the way, Lianyu, where is Xiaodie, how is she doing now!"

When Yang Xiaodie was mentioned, the faces of the three of them changed obviously.

They knew the relationship between Yang Xiaodie and Yun Mo, but they didn't know how to tell Yun Mo about Yang Xiaodie's death.

Seeing their drastically changed faces, Yunmo felt a loud 'thump' in her heart, and a bad premonition rose from the bottom of her heart, which gradually made her uneasy.

"What happened to Xiaodie, why are you all silent!"

Nie Chenyi didn't start, and didn't look at Yunmo's suspicious eyes, while Jun Mowen picked up the tea he was sitting on and drank it as if nothing had happened.

Their performance made Yun Mo's heart ache more and more, and finally turned his attention to Leng Lianyu.

Leng Lianyu sighed, "She's dead!"

she is dead!
The three falling into Yunmo's heart was like a stone sinking into the sea, making Yunmo's heart and face dead silent, and her clear eyes were full of unbelievable astonishment.

"What does it mean she's dead, Lian Yu!"

Yun Mo said in a low voice, this must be a dream, she must wake up quickly!

Leng Lianyu's hurt face did not seem to be fake, he knew that Yunmo would feel bad about Yang Xiaodie's death.

"Xiaomo, I'm sorry, I hurt him, if it wasn't for me, she wouldn't have died!"

The death of Yang Xiaodie plunged Yunmo into depression, "Can you tell me about it!"

Leng Lianyu nodded.

"After you left in pain, Xiaodie resigned from Qifeng's job. She was worried that you were abroad alone. After traveling abroad for four consecutive years, she never found you, so she returned home."

"Back in China, once, I was worried that she was in a bad mood, so I took her out on a trip. Who knew that Jiang Yinying cut my brake line short, and they injured me. Xiaodie pushed me down to save me. Car, explode with the car!"

Yun Mo couldn't recover from Yang Xiaodie's death for a long time.

She didn't know when the three of them left, they just sat in the armchair blankly.

When Ling Junhan came back, he was startled when he saw her, and he was very worried.

After questioning, it turned out that the three brats came to Lingyuan when they said he was not around, and told her that Yang Xiaodie had died.

He knew that the relationship between Yun Mo and Yang Xiaodie was extraordinary, they were not like sisters but they were sisters.

He sat behind Yunmo and put Yunmo in his arms, "I didn't tell you about Yang Xiaodie, because I was afraid that you would be sad, but at that time, we joined forces to deal with Leng Tianao and Ling Jueche. , Xiaomo, I'm sorry!"

After hearing Ling Junhan's explanation, Yunmo burst into tears instantly, crawled into Ling Junhan's arms, and burst into tears uncontrollably.

"I regret it so much. Why did I leave in the first place? If I hadn't left, Xiaodie wouldn't have looked for me. If she didn't look for me, she wouldn't be in a bad mood. Then Lianyu wouldn't have taken her for a walk. If we don't give them a chance, Xiaodie won't die!"

Seeing Yang Xiaodie crying so sad and blaming herself, Ling Junhan's heart also lifted.

The main reason for this incident was him, if he hadn't been such a jerk at the time, Xiaomo wouldn't have been hurt, and wouldn't have been!

"Okay, Xiaomo, you are going to be a mother now, I heard that the crying of pregnant women will affect the child, and after the child is born, it will also be a crying ghost, and life cannot be resurrected, Yang Xiaodie will not like you like this! "

(End of this chapter)

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