Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 433 Don't Tire My Little Golden Grandson

Chapter 433 Don't Tire My Little Golden Grandson
Yun Mo cried for a long time until she was tired, sobbing and falling asleep in Ling Junhan's arms.

Ling Junhan looked at the person who was sleeping in her arms, the tears on her cheeks that were not dry made Ling Junhan feel distressed.

If he had been calmer, more rational, and got to the truth earlier, maybe none of this would have happened.

He picked up Yunmo and walked towards the room, Yunmo was still crying in his sleep, the tears ran across Yunmo's cheek and landed on Ling Junhan's arm, burning hot for a while.

Ling Junhan sighed helplessly.

After sending Yun Mo back to the bedroom, Ling Junhan walked out of the room, went back to the study, took out his phone and found Mrs. Ling's number.

Not long after the call was made, someone picked it up, and Mrs. Ling's vicissitudes of life came from inside.

"Jun Han!"

"Grandma, I'm going to give Xiaomo a wedding in City A..."

The next day.

When Yun Mo woke up, she heard some commotion in the living room.

She hurriedly lifted the quilt, and before she could open the door, the door was pushed open.

Immediately, what came into view was an ecstatic, wrinkled face that couldn't hide the surprise in her eyes.

Yunmo paused, "Grandma, why are you here!"

With the support of Rong's mother, Mrs. Ling quickly came to Yunmo's side, and hurriedly helped Yunmo up behind her, "Be careful, you are already a mother, why are you still so confused!"

"Grandma, this..."

Yun Mo wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Mrs. Ling, "Okay, okay, I'll accompany you to wash up, don't be tired, little Jinsun!"

Yunmo couldn't laugh or cry for a moment.

In order to cater to Mrs. Ling, Yunmo resigned to her fate and was accompanied by Mrs. Ling to the bathroom.

She wanted to take the toothbrush from behind, but was picked up by Rong Ma, who was walking behind, and thoughtfully squeezed toothpaste for her, filled the cup with water, and handed it to Yunmo carefully.

In this way, Yun Mo was not used to it, suddenly being so carefully cared for by others, she felt so useless, she was only four weeks old and nervous, she really couldn't think about it in the future.

She picked up the toothpaste, took a nervous breath, and then said, "Grandma, Rong Ma, I'm really fine, you are so nervous..."

"Pregnant women must not be nervous, Xiaomo, you must be calm!"

Yun Mo's words were interrupted again by Mrs. Ling, Yun Mo resigned to her fate, took the cup from Rong Ma's hand, and began to work hard all day.

Under the caring eyes of the two nervous elderly people, it took three full hours to wash and wash, and when she was about to change clothes, Rong's mother took the lead in finding clothes for her again.

In Madam Ling's words, she just couldn't crush or squeeze her little golden grandson, so from today onwards, all of Yunmo's clothes will be changed into skirts.

Yunmo, who has never been used to wearing skirts, really wants to cry, what the hell!

Who can tell her how hard it is to be pregnant!

After changing her clothes, Yun Mo felt unspeakably awkward, her stomach was growling a long time ago, but she dared not say it, she was afraid that as soon as she opened her mouth, she would see two busy figures running around the house.

"Grandma, Rong Ma, I've changed my clothes, let's go down then!"

"Okay, grandma will help you!"

Mrs. Ling carefully supported Yun Mo. Seeing that her pregnancy had occupied all of Mrs. Ling's thoughts, Yun Mo suddenly changed her previous thoughts and became satisfied.

Maybe as long as grandma gets busy, she can forget those pains!
(End of this chapter)

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