Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 443 I'm Your Friend

Chapter 443 I'm Your Friend
On the second day of Nie Shuiling's operation, she was out of danger, and woke up with her eyes open. There was no trace of impurities in her clear eyes, as clean as a baby's.

Looking at Nie Shuiling like this, Yunmo couldn't help but think of Nie Shuiling when she first met. At that time, she was a carefree little girl.

"Little Ling, wake up!"

Du Xinyan couldn't wait to run up, and Yunmo followed slowly, looking at Nie Shuiling who opened his eyes with a dazed expression on his face.

Before they came, Nie Chenyi had already told them about Nie Shuiling's situation.

They were not surprised at Nie Shuiling's strangeness.

"Who are you!"

"I am your sister, Du Xinyan," Du Xinyan said happily.

"I'm your friend, Yunmo!"

Nie Shuiling nodded and fell asleep again.

Seeing her wake up, Yunmo quietly let go of her worries. She walked out of the ward and saw Nie Chenyi smoking outside the door alone.

Reaching out to take the cigarette in his hand, he threw it away casually, "Brother Nie, you didn't know how to smoke before!"

Nie Chenyi looked at Yunmo, she was very happy now, it could be seen.

As long as she is happy, he doesn't care about anything, "Just learned, how is your body?"

Yunmo nodded, "I'm fine, I'm fine, and the baby is fine!"

"Well, I heard that you are going back to the capital!"

"Well, grandma is alone there, Han is worried, so I promised grandma to move there!"

"Xiaomo, you must be happy!" Nie Chenyi hugged Yunmo into his arms reluctantly. If it weren't for his hesitation and hesitation at the beginning, Xiaomo might be his lover now, but fate is tricky, facts are facts , can't tolerate him not accepting his fate.

Seeing Ling Junhan's change for Yunmo moved him.

He used to think that a person like Ling Junhan who is so proud of himself would not be changed by any woman, let alone accommodate any woman. Facts have proved that he was wrong. All the changes Ling Junhan made to Yunmo, even he did. less than.

"I will, Brother Nie, you too must be happy!"

"Well! Go, I guess Ling Junhan should be in a hurry!" He nodded towards where Ling Junhan was standing.

Yunmo followed his line of sight, and as expected, Ling Junhan stared towards this side with a stinky face, and when he looked at Yunmo's eyes, there was some grievance in his eyes, Yunmo smiled amusedly smiled.

Ling Junhan is a jealous king, not only jealous of Nie Chenyi, but also jealous of Dongfang Nian. I really don't know what he will do after giving birth to a son!
Although helpless, Yun Mo bid farewell to Nie Chenyi and walked towards Ling Junhan.

"Brother Nie, I'm leaving first!"

As the months passed, Yunmo's body became heavier and heavier, and she became more hesitant and cautious when walking!

Yun Mo came to Ling Junhan's side, and turned her head towards Ling Junhan coquettishly, "You follow me!"

Ling Junhan raised his hands innocently, "I didn't, it was because you stood too conspicuously and accidentally saw it!"


"Get in the car, grandma is urging you!"

"I think it's you!"

Ling Junhan came to the car first, opened the car for her considerately, and helped her get into the car considerately.

Since Yunmo became pregnant, Ling Junhan didn't drive himself. He always sat with Yunmo and carefully protected Yunmo. Artest became their driver and bodyguard for granted!

(End of this chapter)

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