Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 444 Who helped you get in

Chapter 444 Who helped you get in
Li Xiaofang, who was brought into the wolf's den, was missed by Artai's gun, and she was not killed, and the bullet in the wound was not taken out for her. After several days of treatment, she slowly woke up in the wolf's den.

Sensing the gloomy atmosphere around her, the creepy howling of wolves coming from her ears, and the piercing pain coming from her body, Li Xiaofang moved her fingers consciously.

Feeling that she was still alive, she felt a little more regretful. You must know that Ling Junhan is a very cruel person. She hurt Yunmo, and her fate can be imagined.

Immediately there was a sound of leather shoes in her ears, she opened her eyes slightly, and what she saw was endless darkness.

The darkness in front of her reminded her of the time when she was captured by Ling Jueche.

She was locked in a small dark room, except for the few buns brought to her by the man who came in and raped her every day, the inside was full of rats, and there was a chirping sound from time to time, and they even competed with her for buns.

When she was tired and fell asleep, mice would crawl over her, not to mention how frightening it was.

What she didn't expect was that Ling Junhan would come to save her. Day after day, all she was waiting for was disappointment, even worse than living without hope.

Looking at the darkness in front of her and the green light projected towards her through the bars, her body shivered, and she forcibly curled up in a corner regardless of the pain coming from her body.

Ling Junhan walked in, just in time to see her face distorted by fear, although she had the same face as Yun Mo, but now he was disgusted besides disgusting.

Especially when he thought that he had been hurt by this woman before, the hatred in his heart increased a little.

He stopped and looked down at Li Xiaofang who was curled up at the foot of the iron cage, with a cruel smile on his lips.

Do you really think that he has become kind, cats and dogs dare to jump on his head, his evil and cruelty are just not revealed in front of Yunmo.

Artai Awu, who was following behind, immediately ordered someone to bring a chair.

"Young Master Ling, please sit down!"

Ling Junhan ignored it, but came outside the iron cage, his deep eyes bursting with a man-eating light like a wolf.

"Li Xiaofang, how does the taste here compare to Ling Jueche's iron cage!"

His voice woke Li Xiaofang up from her fear, and she looked up at Ling Junhan. Seeing Ling Junhan, her face was full of undisguised joy and excitement, and she scrambled to Ling Junhan, "Ling Junhan, I am Yunmo, Save me quickly, I'm so scared!"

"You are Yunmo?" Ling Junhan smiled disdainfully, turned around and sat down on the chair, "It seems that you are still in a dream and haven't woken up yet!"



Artest walked towards the iron cage, and pressed an open button. Those wolves who had been locked aside and smelled blood and couldn't wait, ran towards Li Xiaofang frantically the moment the door was opened.

Li Xiaofang looked at the approaching wolves, nothing but screaming!

How can a woman bear the tearing of the wolves. Seeing that Li Xiaofang was almost divided up, Ling Junhan asked Artest to withdraw the wolves, leaving Li Xiaofang dying and completely changed.

"Who helped you get in!"

He didn't believe that Li Xiaofang was able to go through the checkpoints and enter the clouds. Although it can't be said that the inside is a net, it is almost the same. If there is no one to lead, it is impossible for Li Xiaofang to go in!
He thought that many enemies had been dealt with, but he didn't expect that there were still some fish that slipped through the net.

(End of this chapter)

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