Chapter 464
Yang Xue nodded hurriedly.

The security guard entered the security room and dialed Ling Yuan's phone number.

Not long after, a kind voice came from inside, "Hello, Lingyuan!"

Hearing the old voice from inside, the security guard became sincere, "Hello, I am the security guard of the Zixia Empire. A young lady came to the door. She said that Boss Ling let her into the Ling courtyard and wanted to ask one time!"

Rong's mother was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, and then said, "Wait a moment, I'll ask!"


Rong's mother put down the phone and came to the sofa, and saw Yun Mo teasing the two children, "Xiao Mo, the security guard from Zixia Empire called to say that a woman came at the door, and said that Mr. asked her to come to Ling Yuan."

Just as Yunmo wanted to shake her head to deny it, she suddenly thought of what Ling Junhan said yesterday like offering a treasure, "Oh, I remembered, yesterday he said that he found a nanny, and he came to Lingyuan today, let her come in!"


Rong Ma came to the phone again, picked up the phone and said, "Hi, hello, please let her in!"

"Okay, excuse me!"

The security guard hung up the phone and walked out of the security room. Seeing that Yang Xue was still standing there, he hurriedly said, "It was confirmed just now, let you in!"

The quality of the security guards here is one in a million. Most of them are elites who have come out of the army. After rigorous training, they have come here step by step.

Therefore, they must not only protect the people here, but also protect the safety of the place.

Yang Xue was affirmed, and when she heard the security guard's reassurance, her heart fell quietly, and she became more and more cautious.

"Thank you!"

"Need not!"

As soon as Yang Xue walked into the Zixia Empire, she immediately felt worried, but the Zixia Empire was very wide. She didn't know which direction Lingyuan was coming from, and she was in a dilemma when she suddenly saw the target marked in front of her.

She followed the designated target for a long time before she saw the courtyard marked with two big characters Ling Yuan.

The yard is more than a thousand square meters. Looking from the front, it is a large courtyard filled with various flowers and plants, and there is also a small pavilion with a sun umbrella.

Walking into Lingyuan, there was the faint sound of rushing water inside, Yang Xue couldn't help but think to herself, there must be a swimming pool behind the villa, these rich people will build a swimming pool in their own yard, this is what she saw on TV !

Yang Xue couldn't help speeding up toward Ling Yuan.

When I came to Lingyuan, I was a little nervous, held back the surging in my heart, pressed the doorbell, and soon an old woman came out, her face was kind, with a touch of kindness.

Rong's mother looked at the middle-aged woman standing at the door, about 30 years old. Seeing this, she asked, "Are you the nanny hired by my husband?"

Yang Xue nodded hastily, "Yes, hello, my name is Yang Xue, and President Ling asked me to report here today!"

Only then did Rong's mother nod, reached out and pressed the switch, opened the door, and let Yang Xue in.

"Yang Xue, call me Mama Rong!" Mama Rong looked at the woman in front of her and said kindly.

"Well, hello, Mama Rong!"

"Come with me!" Rong's mother led the way, and she couldn't help but said as she walked, "Madam is very easy-going, the child is almost a month away, and I need you to pay more attention in the future!"

Yang Xue suppressed the joy in her heart, nodded hurriedly, "Yes, I will, I will definitely take good care of the young master and the others, I dare not be careless!"

Hearing that Mrs. Ling was very easy-going, she couldn't help becoming curious.

(End of this chapter)

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