Chapter 465 She Is My Sister

I am even more eager to know what kind of person Madam Ling is.

As we got closer and closer to the living room, my heart became more and more troubled.

Yang Xue walked into the living room and saw a noble and elegant person sitting on the sofa, with an elegant smile on her face, and a kind smile on her face when she looked at her.

"Hello there!"

Rong Ma looked at Yang Xue nervously, and said, "Xiao Mo, her name is Yang Xue!"

"Yang Xue?"

Hearing Yang Xue's name, Yun Mo was inexplicably stunned, and put down Ling Xiaoxiao in her arms, "Your surname is Yang, so do you know Yang Xiaodie?"

As soon as the words fell, Yun Mo regretted immediately, what happened to her, why did she become so sensitive and inexplicable when she heard the surname Yang.

Shaking his head self-deprecatingly!

However, Yang Xue still heard her words. When she heard Yang Xiaodie, she was obviously taken aback. Then she came back to her senses and said hastily, "I know her. She is my sister. How do you know Mrs. Ling?"

"elder sister?"

Yun Mo was really a sensation this time, and surprised to see that the two really resemble each other.

"she is my friend!"

"Oh, my sister she..."

"I know, Yang Xue, right? You are Xiaodie's younger sister. From now on, you can call me older sister. Xiaodie is my very good sister!"

The sudden surprise caught Yang Xue unexpectedly, as if she was hit by a pie falling from the sky.

"Uh, good!"

"Come and see the baby!"

For Yun Mo, Yang Xiaodie is always a regret in her heart. For Yang Xiaodie, every time she wakes up at night, she feels very sad, that woman who is like fire.

"it is good!"

Ling Junhan in the office of Qifeng Group was obviously stunned when he saw the information on Yang Xue collected by Awu.

He hurriedly took out his phone and called Yunmo.

"Xiaomo, that babysitter..."

"I see, she is Xiaodie's younger sister!" Yunmo's voice was slightly excited.

Ling Junhan knew Yunmo's intentions, and understood Yunmo's regret for Yang Xiaodie. Seeing Yunmo's rare excitement, he felt happy.

"Well, let her take care of my son and daughter!"


Ling Junhan hung up the phone and looked aside at Leng Xiuya.

After Leng Xiuya brought Du Xinyan back from a world tour, he fell into silence for a while. He didn't understand what happened again?

He turned around and walked into his personal lounge, took out a bottle of 82-year-old Lafite, took out the glass, filled Leng Xiuya's wine in a rare good mood and handed it to Leng Xiuya.

He asked nonchalantly, "What's wrong?"

Leng Xiuya frowned frivolously, and looked at his gloating expression with disdain, "What's the matter, you have the nerve to ask me!"

"How did I provoke you again!"

Ling Junhan drank a piece of red wine and smacked his mouth in aftertaste.

"It's all good things you did. What did you do to my wife? She's so mysterious every day. I ask her what happened, but she doesn't say anything. It makes me feel very upset!"

Ling Junhan was completely speechless, put down the cup, picked up Leng Xiuya in a moodless manner, "Get lost!"

Really, a rare good mood was ruined by this kid just like that.

Throwing Leng Xiuya out, he explained to Artest who was guarding the door.

"From now on, don't let Leng Xiuya come in, and deny that you skinned me!"

It harmed Chi Yu and hurt the innocent. Artai looked innocently at Leng Xiuya who was standing opposite him with a harmonious smile on his face, and a cold sweat broke down his back!
(End of this chapter)

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