Chapter 466 Going to Lingyuan

Artest nodded hurriedly.

Only then did Ling Junhan close the door with a satisfied "bang".

Seeing this, Leng Xiuya shrugged her shoulders as usual, and smiled harmoniously at Artest, "Your master's temper, only you can bear it!"

When Artai heard this, he secretly rolled his eyes.

I secretly criticize it in my heart, as the saying goes, like attracts like, one is half a catty and one is like two.

Seeing that there was nothing interesting here, Leng Xiuya turned her head away from Qifeng in a bored manner, and drove directly towards the place where he kissed his wife.

He really wanted to know what his wife was doing recently?
Leng Xiuya drove to Hongye Hospital and walked towards Du Xinyan's clinic.

I happened to see Wen Xinde sitting inside, their faces were heavy, and due to the distance, they couldn't hear their words clearly.

Falling into Leng Xiuya's eyes, her coquettish eyes were stained with jealousy, and she walked sourly inside.

"Young Master Wen, what are you doing in my wife's clinic?"

His voice brought Du Xinyan and Wen Xinde back to their senses in time, and they jumped a little.

Du Xinyan looked at Leng Xiuya, who was acting like a playboy, and cast a coquettish glance at him.

"Why are you here at this hour?"

"I miss my wife, come and see!"

Wen Xinde looked at the fabled smiling tiger, acting coquettishly, it was really chilling, and he didn't know how to avoid suspicion, he just watched the couple making out, not to mention the disgust in Leng Xiuya's eyes.

On Leng Xiuya's childish side, Du Xinyan shook her head helplessly, don't look at this man in the eyes of the outside world, he is a chopstick hand with a smiling face.

When facing her, she looks like a child asking for sugar!

Turning to Wen Xinde, "Xinde, don't worry, I will take care of this matter!"

"Well, thanks!"

Wen Xinde was no longer making people idle, so he got up and strode away.

Seeing him leave, Leng Xiuya pushed away the stool he was sitting on in disgust, dragged a chair from the side, sat in front of Du Xinyan, and reached out to hold Du Xinyan's hand.

"Honey, what on earth are you hiding from me? You've been so mysterious for a long time. Do you know it's worth knowing? You're going to drive my husband to pieces!"

Seeing the grievance on his face, Du Xinyan shook his head amusedly.

If Wen Xinde hadn't come in time, she was about to call Leng Xiuya!
Du Xinyan clung to his ear and whispered, "You want to be a father!"

Leng Xiuya was stunned by the sudden surprise, and couldn't recover for a long time.

After Du Xinyan finished speaking, seeing that he was still in a fugue, she got up and walked towards the door ignoring her.

Before the man reached the door, he was grabbed from behind with a big hand and held in his arms, and then the sound of howling wolves and ghosts rang out in his ears.

"Haha, I want to be a father!"

Leng Xiuya was a little overwhelmed with excitement, and hugged Du Xinyan in a circle without shame.

Du Xinyan really had no choice but to use his trump card, "You are so excited, be careful not to hurt the child!"

As expected, Leng Xiuya's aggressive actions stopped abruptly and became very funny.

"Yes, yes, I was too careless, wife, let's stop going to work and go to Lingyuan!"

"What are you doing!" Du Xinyan fell out of the situation instantly.

"That boy Dongfang and Ling Junhan must be here now, we have to make them envious!"

As soon as Leng Xiuya's words fell, Du Xinyan buried her head and left consciously. She didn't want to know this guy, so couldn't this guy keep a low profile!

I really don't know what goes through my mind all day!
Seeing Du Xinyan leave, Leng Xiuya followed quickly, "Wife!"

(End of this chapter)

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