
Chapter 220 Boarding and Boarding

Chapter 220 Boarding and Boarding
Chapter 2 here!Pindao continues to code!Although the fingers are numb from the cold.
Everyone present could feel the atmosphere.

Even the unsuspecting drivers and security guards didn't dare to take a breath. They didn't know what these big figures were waiting for when they gathered in a dilapidated valley. They only knew that something big might happen here.

You know, even during the nuclear crisis on the peninsula, these big figures did not gather together so neatly.

It can be said that if a missile that is not detected by the radar falls here, the entire China will fall into panic and chaos.

Well, this is naturally impossible.

"Ring, bell, bell."

Suddenly, a rush of bells rang, breaking the silence of the night sky, causing everyone's bodies to tremble, and Qiqi was startled.

This is also a helpless thing. Whoever it is, in such a quiet environment, suddenly hears the ringtone of the mobile phone, I am afraid that it will be startled.

"It's Wang Dashu's call!"

The culprit was none other than Councilor Yang. He took out his phone as if he had been electrocuted, and after looking at it, he cried out in surprise.

"Come on!"

The gray-haired speaker immediately reacted, but he didn't reach for the phone, but motioned for Councilor Yang to answer it immediately.

"He said he was here."

Councilor Yang answered the phone, he couldn't help feeling a little weird, and looked up towards the sky.


We were all staring at the sky before, but didn’t see anything?

Just when everyone was puzzled, the few stars in the sky disappeared, and a huge shadow with an extremely black body appeared, blocking all the stars.

It really showed up!
This made everyone feel as if they were hallucinating.

Fortunately, all the people present are big shots, even if they are a little dazed, it will not delay the business.

Following the order of a certain important person, the military base not too far away immediately boiled, and those personnel wearing white space suits boarded the vehicles one after another, and the container vehicles started, and drove out of the military base along the passage, towards the mountain depression. open.

At this time, the physical god had landed on the ground ahead of time, flattened several nearby hills, and then opened his mouth.

Wang Dashu walked out from the huge mouth of the flesh god.

Regarding his appearance, Mr. Yang and other important figures were not too surprised. After all, in their view, Wang Dashu was the liaison officer of the huge warship.

But for those drivers and guards, the impact is a bit big.

They knew about the huge battleship, but it was a bit shocking that a human came out of the huge battleship, so that various speculations appeared in their minds.

After Wang Dashu met Mr. Yang and other important figures, he immediately introduced them to the identity of the flesh god.

This step must be taken.

Mutual communication is the basis of peace.

Only by letting them know the identity of the flesh-body god and understand some situations, will the Blue Star humans not make wrong judgments, and avoid some troubles that Wang Dashu doesn't want to see.

Of course, in this kind of introduction, the real relationship between Wang Dashu and the flesh god is slightly covered up.

Well, the flesh god comes from a powerful biological civilization, and Wang Dashu is the liaison officer of the flesh god on Blue Star, and also a good friend of the flesh god, etc.

God in the flesh?Biological civilization? .
Well, these introductions really subvert the scientific cognition of big shots.

Especially when they heard that the huge warship called the Flesh God turned out to be a living creature, the shock in their eyes could not be concealed at all.

In fact, this is not much different from Wang Dashu's initial shock.

Of course, in addition to the shock of the big shots, they also firmly believed in the idea of ​​making friends with the flesh god.

This is not much different from their previous judgment. This huge battleship named Flesh God is indeed backed by a powerful civilization!
Of course, just this physical god is so powerful, plus a civilization composed of it!

This weight is too heavy!
This can't help but make them feel lucky. If Huaxia had adopted a hostile policy against the flesh god like Sam's country, the consequences would be unimaginable.

At this time, a group of container trucks rushing to the front was approaching, but when they saw the huge monster lying on the ground, those drivers were soldiers with firm beliefs, and they had been notified before, so they couldn't help slowing down. speed.

No way, when a 330-meter-high monster that is almost the same as an aircraft carrier appears in front of their eyes, everyone will feel a sense of fear and shock!

After all, they are just ordinary humans, not superhumans!

"Here, concentrate here! Speed!"

Fortunately, the leading officer was sane, and immediately issued an order to direct the convoy to approach the huge mouth of the flesh god.

Well, in fact, even the leading officer was beating a small drum in his heart.

If such a huge monster is bitten off in one bite, let alone myself, I am afraid that the entire team will be reimbursed.

The convoy parked tremblingly beside the giant mouth of the flesh god, and at the same time unlocked the fixed locks on the car body and the container.

Before they had considered whether to leave the vehicle or something else, they saw the huge monster open its mouth, and then dozens of lights rose from the huge mouth, which turned into long beams in an instant. When it landed on the container, there was a gust of wind, and the drivers were dumbfounded.

After the car shook violently, the container that was originally placed on the body disappeared!

What's the situation?
The drivers didn't know that the container was dragged into the body of the physical god by the nanofilament tractor, and they thought they were hallucinating.

But Wang Dashu knew that he had obtained the on-site command right now, so he immediately issued an order through the communicator handed over by the commander of the military base: "The convoy leaves quickly and returns to the base!"

The drivers who were covered in circles were naturally overjoyed when they received the order. They didn't need to be supervised at all. They immediately started the car and turned to leave one by one.

As the containers of several convoys were pulled into the body of the flesh god, the buses full of astronauts also came near the flesh god, and they naturally did not enter through the huge mouth of the flesh god, but the flesh god opened it on the side of the body. Hundreds of holes were entered by these astronauts on foot.

Compared with those drivers, the range of things that these astronauts know is much larger.

For example, they are about to leave Blue Star and go to Mars to create a new chapter in human history!

For example, the huge battleship in front of them is the vehicle that will send them away from Blue Star to Mars, and so on.

Therefore, they paid much more attention to the huge battleship in front of them than those drivers.

(End of this chapter)

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