
Chapter 221 Family Star Trek

Chapter 221 Family Star Trek
Chapter 3 is delivered, Pindao's hands are a bit cold, it looks like they are about to freeze again!
Just like those immigrants in the age of great voyages, before boarding a boat, they always have to check whether the boat they are going to take is strong or not.

The same is true for these astronauts, after all, this huge battleship means the safety of their next trip to Mars!
Of course, the hugeness of the flesh god also gave them a certain sense of security.

As for the top scientists among these astronauts, they looked at the flesh god with greedy eyes. The mystery and hugeness of the flesh god, the high-speed space flight that surpassed Blue Star's technological level by several times, etc., have all become mysteries that they want to understand. question.

But having said that, Wang Dashu would not give them too much time to slowly observe the flesh-body god. After putting all the containers into the body of the flesh-body god, he immediately ordered the soldiers at the military base to drive those procrastinating scientists inside.

Of course, those scientists are not very willing to enter the flesh god in advance, but Wang Dashu's words made them rush towards the holes revealed on both sides of the flesh god: "The flesh god will not wait for you, if you are willing to give up Mars trip, then I have nothing to say."

Well, one thing that needs to be confirmed is that those scientists are more keen to go to Mars to open a new chapter for mankind than to study the appearance of the flesh god.

Besides, they have also awakened a little bit. If they want to study the flesh-body god, the inside is far more suitable than the outside.

But the problem is, they will regret it when they enter the physical body of God.

500 people plus [-] tons of material is already the maximum load calculated by Wang Dashu based on the remaining space in the body of the body and god.

The material is okay, there are containers packed, densely piled up in one place, it is not a problem at all.

But the same is true for human beings, it is a bit uncomfortable, especially if they are piled up together for a long time, it is simply terrible.

Therefore, the solution given by Wang Dashu is to produce fleshy organs in the body of the gods, one for each human being, and wrap them up like a sleeping bag after entering, and at the same time use Yuan energy to stimulate them to enter a sleep state.

Of course, this kind of hypnosis method can only be used in the body of the god. If these human beings are located outside the body of the god, then Yuan Neng will not have such great power to hypnotize [-] determined humans for the time being.

As the last human entered, the holes on both sides of the Flesh God closed. Wang Dashu, Mr. Yang and other bigwigs waved goodbye and then re-entered the Flesh God.

The tail of the physical god began to release neutrino fluctuations that cannot be seen by the naked eye, and the huge body also gradually lifted off the ground. At the same time, there was a vibration on the ground, and those big guys who were hundreds of meters away from the vibration all stood up. Unsteady, it seemed extremely powerful.

After soaring to an altitude of a thousand meters, the flesh god immediately activated the optical shielding field and the electromagnetic shielding field, and disappeared into nothingness in the human eyes and radar detection waves.

The disappearance of the flesh god caused the audience to be shocked.

Before, they thought that the physical god appeared too fast, but now they saw that this physical god actually has the effect of invisibility, and its invisibility effect is so strong that even China's most advanced radar cannot detect any traces!
This kind of stealth effect is not comparable to Blue Star's technology at all.

You must know that even the country of Sam, which has the highest attainments in stealth technology, its stealth fighters will still leave shadow marks equivalent to one-tenth of the body on China's most advanced radar.

And this physical god not only did not leave the slightest trace on the radar, it was even invisible to the naked eye!

Such stealth technology is enough to make people worship.

It is conceivable that if Huaxia can obtain this stealth technology, world domination is just around the corner!

Not to mention the fantasies of many bigwigs in China, just say that after opening the double shielding field, the Flesh God left the Blue Star atmosphere at a speed of [-] kilometers per second, turned towards the distant Mars and began to accelerate continuously!
And in a huge meat sack in the body of God, Wang Dashu looked at the younger sister who lost his temper with a wry smile, and beside him, Wang Kuida and Li Xiaofen were there.

The reason why Wang Dashu brought his parents and younger sister with him was entirely out of safety considerations.

After all, he also knew that it was impossible for him to keep his intimate relationship with the physical god a secret for a long time.

Maybe Sam and other powerful countries already know about this relationship!
Although the body god kept secret the entire journey to Mars, this also put Wang Dashu in a state of losing his last card. Therefore, if Sam and other powerful countries want to do something to themselves or their family members, even if Ah Qing is added, it will be difficult to defend.

And whether Sam and other powerful countries will take action, there is no need to think about this kind of question at all.

If you think about it with your butt, you can understand the truth.

Whether it is from cutting off the connection between China and the flesh god, or from other aspects, they must do it!

They would not dare to act rashly when it comes to using nuclear bombs, but the price of attacking Wang Dashu and his family would be much lower. Not to mention, if they can use this to get in touch with the god of the flesh, the benefits in it will be beyond anyone's control. People can figure it out.

There is a good saying, there is only a thousand days to catch a thief, there is no reason to prevent a thief in a thousand days!
Therefore, if Wang Dashu wanted to ensure the safety of his family, he could only bring his family along with him.

Fortunately, the parents said that after Wang Dashu told the truth, the problem would be solved, but Wang Xiaoyue couldn't.

Wang Xiaoyue is a student with excellent character and learning, especially just entered the second year of high school, with a lot of homework and intense study, facing the temptation of asking for leave to go to the distant Mars, Wang Xiaoyue resolutely refused.

In the end, Wang Dashu had no choice but to knock him out and send him directly to the body god.

No, now Wang Xiaoyue woke up, crying, which made Wang Dashu feel quite a headache.

Of course, compared to the safety of her family, Wang Xiaoyue's little emotion is nothing more than a trivial matter.

In order to ensure smooth communication with Blue Star, Wang Dashu did not bring Ah Qing with him. After all, going to Mars is not a dangerous thing, and even if there is danger, Ah Qing cannot be of much help in the universe.

As I said before, with the evolution of the flesh god, its speed also increases dramatically.

Seven hours later, Mars, which originally looked extremely small, has turned into a giant orange ball.

And in order to let those passengers really feel the space travel, Wang Dashu then let the flesh god drive the energy to wake up the passengers.

Undoubtedly, when those passengers woke up and found themselves in a dark and narrow space, they all showed panicked expressions.

Fortunately, the reason why they were able to be selected as the first batch of immigrants of the Mars project is that their psychological quality is excellent, and most of them quickly calmed down forcibly, and then conducted a survey of the space they were in. explore.

(End of this chapter)

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