
Chapter 225 Mars Base Construction

Chapter 225 Mars Base Construction
Compared with the surprise and fear last time, the drivers who delivered the supplies this time seemed much more ordinary. They even secretly took out their mobile phones and took a few photos of the flesh god.

For such behavior, Wang Dashu did not stop it. If you want to talk about the appearance of the flesh god, it has long been known to all countries in the world, so it is not a problem at all to reveal a few photos.

The container is towed in, the personnel enter, and the physical god takes off and disappears.

The whole process is more convenient than those cargo ships at the dock.

But after the physical god flew about five or six million kilometers away from the blue star, Wang Dashu just remembered that the gift he promised to bring to his little sister, a puppy, had been forgotten.

Could it be that the flesh god should return to Blue Star to buy a dog?
Well, that's not the way to joke.

Wang Dashu thought about going back to Mars and using his good fortune to make a puppy for his little sister. Anyway, playing with mud in the Mars base can still be achieved.

After more than nine hours, the flesh god arrived on Mars, slowed down and landed on the surface.

Seeing the return of the flesh god, those people in the Mars base breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not that they are really afraid that the flesh god will not return, it's just that they feel insecure because they are far away from the blue star and the ancestral land of millions of years.

Thousands of people swarmed up to open the container from which the nanowires were pulled out, and mechanically transported the materials inside to the Mars base one by one.

On the way back to the Mars base, Wang Dashu took some Martian dust and some soil from the nursery, mixed it with water and got busy.

Flicking with his fingers, a clay sculpture of a puppy was quickly completed.

Wang Dashu opened his mouth and sprayed a mouthful of multicolored air on the clay sculpture. After counting the time, when the multicolored light on the clay sculpture dissipated, the clay sculpture turned into a puppy out of thin air.

But at this time, he was not busy giving the puppy to the little sister, but left the Mars base with the puppy.

Everyone who saw Wang Dashu's actions was stunned.

There is no doubt that in the conventional way of thinking, without a spacesuit, leaving the Mars base to contact the Martian atmosphere will inevitably suffocate due to lack of oxygen.

But the puppy Wang Dashu was leading was alive and kicking outside the Mars base, and was not affected by the atmosphere of Mars at all. This made everyone who saw it think that the composition of the Martian atmosphere had suddenly undergone earth-shaking changes.

Sure enough!

Seeing the puppy like this, Wang Dashu nodded.

My guess was right.

The puppies shaped by mixing Martian dust are naturally adapted to the Martian atmosphere!
"Mr. Wang, am I hallucinating?"

A scientist who rushed over after receiving the notice looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help asking Wang Dashu.

Wang Dashu did not hide the meaning of supernatural powers. On the contrary, he felt that he needed the help of these scientists to better understand the supernatural powers of good fortune!
"It's not an illusion, it's just a gadget I created."

He said with a smile on his face.

Gadgets created?
The gray-haired scientist was a little dazed, but he immediately came up with something in his brain.

This puppy should be the product of a genetically modified experiment.

This is what he did not expect. The young man in front of him actually has such a high attainment in genetic research?

Well, no matter how the scientist guessed, when Wang Dashu made another clay sculpture and breathed out five colors to create a mouse again, the scientist's world view was shattered.

Well, this is the real universe, not some magical world, so the scientists didn't get headshots.

But even so, scientists are at a loss.

Obviously, there seems to be an irreconcilable contradiction between what Wang Dashu showed and what scientists have learned for decades!
However, an old scientist is always an old scientist. Even if he saw a phenomenon that his own knowledge could not explain, he still showed great interest and asked Wang Dashu for experimental products.

And Wang Dashu originally had this intention. He wanted to see the difference between the creatures he created and natural creatures. However, with his attainments in biological genes and other aspects, it is really difficult to study this difference.

A high intelligence attribute does not mean omnipotence.

You need relevant knowledge to know how to research these things.

It's like Einstein, who developed the mass-energy conversion equation and is known as one of the smartest people on the blue star, but if you let him study crops or something, it will be a tragedy.

Because Einstein had no knowledge base in this area.

But having said that, the puppy is a gift for my little sister, and Wang Dashu didn't dare to give it away without authorization, so the mouse that was just created was carefully put into a glass box by the scientist, and it became a poor experiment.
body, waiting for it will be blood drawing, tissue extraction and even various experiments.

Not to mention that after Wang Dashu gave the puppy to the little sister, Wang Xiaoyue was extremely happy. She only said that the mouse was sent to the laboratory. After a series of research, the old scientist came to a conclusion.

That is, this mouse's oxygen demand is only 5.00% of that of ordinary mice, and it has a special converting enzyme in its body that can convert carbon dioxide into oxygen and carbohydrates, thereby prolonging its life.

As for where the energy needed to convert carbon dioxide comes from, the old scientist has not yet found the answer, but even so, the researchers in the laboratory became extremely excited.

You know, without mentioning anything else, if this invertase can be replicated on a large scale, its value is unimaginable for ordinary people!
First of all, this thing can be used in the modification of the Martian atmosphere. In addition, it can also be used in food production and so on.

In short, for them, this discovery is no less than any kind of research discovery that won the Nobel Prize in biology!

The scientific researchers in the laboratory were excitedly involved in the follow-up research, and the construction of the Mars base accelerated again with the arrival of the physical god.

Ecospheres have been established outside the Mars base.

These ecospheres are all simple steel-structure greenhouses, covered with a slightly thick transparent plastic plate, and the ground is covered with a layer of soil with a thickness of 5.00 cm to [-] cm. The gas inside is directly extracted from the atmosphere of Mars and mixed into [-] % oxygen, the unique pressurization device keeps the atmospheric pressure in the ecosphere at [-] Pa, which is four times higher than the atmospheric pressure of Mars, but only [-]% of the atmospheric pressure of Blue Star.

This is also a helpless measure. If the atmospheric pressure in the ecological circle is too high, those transparent plastic plates cannot bear it.

The only good news is that as long as the atmospheric concentration in the ecosystem is sufficient, the strength of the atmospheric pressure will not affect the growth of plants.

(End of this chapter)

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