
Chapter 226 Divination

Chapter 226 Divination
Pindao was very tired for some reason today, and dozed off while sitting in front of the computer.
As these biospheres were established, plant seedlings from the nursery were quickly transferred into them.

After a while, the Mars base will be able to provide fresh vegetables as non-staple food.

In addition to the continuous establishment of the ecological circle, several nearby veins have also been explored, including iron ore, copper mines, and several rare earth veins!
The purity of iron ore and copper ore is very high, and they can be used in industrial production with only a little smelting. Therefore, these two ore veins were included in the scope of mining immediately, and the ores excavated were made into Various metal materials are used for the expansion construction of the Mars base.

Undoubtedly, the production of these two ore veins has greatly reduced the demand for basic metal materials of the Mars base on the blue star, allowing the physical god to free up more space for loading more demanding blue star materials.

As for the few rare earth veins that were included in the secondary mining sequence, the mined ores were selected and stored, and after a certain amount was stored, they were brought back to Blue Star by the flesh god.

At this time, Wang Dashu was calculating his task completion.

Objectives [-] and [-] have been completed so far, and the rewards have also been issued.

But mission objectives three and four are more difficult.

Mission goal three needs to transport [-] Chinese people and [-] tons of materials to Mars, and mission goal four needs to transport [-] Chinese people and one million tons of materials to Mars.

The most troublesome thing for Wang Dashu is mission goal five, to assist Huaxia to establish a corresponding space base on Mars, so as to complete the space cycle between the Mars colony and Blue Star!

Goal five is without a doubt the most difficult compared to purely shipping goals.

This requires Huaxia to have sufficient technological capabilities to be able to do this!
Wang Dashu thought about it, and finally gave up his plan to fully complete the No. 1 mission of colonizing Mars in a short period of time.

Besides, there is no time limit for this task, so there is no need to worry about the time limit.

So now there are only two things that need to be done.

One is to continuously travel between Mars and Blue Star, striving to transport more materials and Chinese people to Mars, and speed up the construction of the Mars base.

The second is to complete the task of mink spirit.

On the way back to the Blue Star, Wang Dashu was lying in the meat bag of the body god, and connected to the mink spirit in the world of Journey to the West.

The angle of view emerged, Wang Dashu blinked his eyes, and found that the body of the marten was very different from before.

After 200 years of thunder and calamity, the mink spirit has turned into a human form.

At this time, the mink mouse spirit is the image of a five or six-year-old child, except that there are two yellow beards around the mouth, which looks weird.

But no matter what, the strength of the mink mouse spirit at this time is already quite powerful, and the technique of samadhi kamikaze and earth escape has been mastered much more deeply than before.

You can go find trouble with those monsters!

Wang Dashu then found a senior brother named Zhuang Yuanxu, who was a human being with the appearance of a middle-aged man, except that his hair was all white, and he looked a bit immortal.

This brother is said to be proficient in divination, as long as it is within the three realms and five elements, he can divination.

Seeing the ermine spirit approaching, Zhuang Yuanxu didn't refuse, but just made a request.

A drop of the mink's blood as a reward.

This requirement may seem low, but it is not.

You must know that the blood essence of this monster is not comparable to ordinary blood, but it is the essence of monsters.

A monster like Mink Mouse Spirit who has just survived the 200-year thunder catastrophe may take several years to recover after sending out a drop of blood essence.

However, if he wanted to find out the whereabouts of those monsters, Wang Dashu could only ask this senior brother for help.

So after hesitating for a moment, Wang Dashu forced out a drop of blood and handed it to Senior Brother Zhuang Yuanxu.

After receiving the blood essence, Zhuang Yuanxu didn't say much, but took out a tortoise shell, lit a fire out of thin air with both hands, and roasted the tortoise shell from front to back.

After a few breaths, more than ten lines were cracked on the turtle shell.

After Zhuang Yuanxu stared at the pattern on the turtle shell for a long time, he finally said: "Junior brother, you will definitely find the person you want to find on this trip, but there are many dangers, so you need to ask a senior brother to accompany you." Keep you safe and sound."

After saying this, Zhuang Yuanxu put away the tortoise shell, turned around and went back to the house.

Wang Dashu pondered Zhuang Yuanxu's words carefully, and he came back to his senses after a while.

According to Zhuang Yuanxu's analysis, no matter which direction I go out this time, I can bump into those demons, but with my own strength, I should not be able to deal with them, so I need help.

Which brother should I ask for help?
Do you still need to ask?

Of course it was Senior Brother Jin Yuankong!
A thousand-year-old monster with strong strength and proficiency in various powerful spells and supernatural powers can be said to be the best candidate.

Of course, there are many people who are stronger in Xieyue Sanxingdong than senior brother Jin Yuankong, and there are many others, but Wang Dashu has the best relationship and the only senior brother who can be recruited is Jin Yuankong.

Now that he had made up his mind, Wang Dashu did not hesitate, and immediately found Jin Yuankong.

Hearing what Wang Dashu said, Jin Yuankong burst out laughing: "Your brother invites you, why don't you agree, but the magic weapon of those monsters, you have to choose first."

Needless to say, Wang Dashu immediately nodded in agreement, even if it was Jin Yuankong who took away all the magic weapons.

After all, in his opinion, it is impossible for this magic weapon of Journey to the West to be brought back to the real universe, so its value is greatly reduced in Wang Dashu's eyes, and it is completely worthless compared with the rewards obtained from the mission.

After the two parties negotiated the conditions, they went back to clean up and made an appointment to meet at Shimen.

But when Wang Dashu returned to the stone house, he happened to meet Zhang Daxian-Zhang Jueyuan!
Knowing that Wang Dashu was going to take revenge, Zhang Daxian yelled to follow him.

From Zhang Daxian's point of view, since he and Diao Shujing are brothers of the same family and live together, they naturally need to help each other.

But Zhang Daxian's idea made Wang Dashu really dumbfounded.

Speaking of this, one thing that needs to be explained is that although this great immortal was accepted by the ancestor Bodhi, his aptitude is really unbearable.

It has been seven or eight years, and Zhang Daxian's strength is only a little stronger than when he first started. He can make wooden hoes and move objects within one meter. Other than that, he doesn't have any strength technique.

Well, all in all, Zhang Daxian is a weak chicken, a fool in cultivation, and a fool without much self-knowledge.

Several times, when Zhang Daxian was plowing the fields, he plowed away the mature crops of the marten, and the marten almost vomited blood in anger.

Wang Dashu suspected that if he went out with Zhang Daxian, Zhang Daxian would die in a few days.

(End of this chapter)

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