
Chapter 228 Dividing the spoils

Chapter 228 Dividing the spoils
To be honest, if Wang Dashu hadn't used the full attribute blessing effect before hitting the black flame that the three demons turned into, he might have been seriously injured and half dead by now.

After handing a yellow pill to Wang Dashu and letting him take it, Jin Yuankong laughed and took out more than a dozen pockets: "Junior Brother Diao, these monsters don't look bad, but they are quite rich."

As he spoke, he poured out the contents of the pocket one by one, and the things that did not catch his eyes were directly crushed into pieces and discarded aside. Even so, the remaining things were piled up on the ground.

These things piled up on the ground can be described as colorful, exuding all kinds of light, and you can tell that they are treasures at a glance.

"Senior brother Jin has worked so hard, so I don't need to share these things with me."

Wang Dashu knew what it meant when he saw Jin Yuankong's actions.

But he was the most trustworthy, and he promised that all the trophies would belong to Jin Yuankong before he set off, and there would be no change at this time.

"What did Junior Brother Diao say? Our senior brothers still care about this? Not much to say, I will contribute more and share [-]%, but the junior brother chooses first! If the junior brother doesn't want it, then I have no choice but to throw it away."

Having said that, Jin Yuankong waved his right hand, and a gust of wind blew up, and he was about to fly away with the pile of treasures.

Seeing such a move, Wang Dashu knew that if he insisted on his own opinion, Jin Yuankong might really throw away all the treasures. In that case, it would be too uneconomical, and on the contrary, it would affect the relationship between the seniors and brothers.

As a result, he had no choice but to thank Senior Brother Jin for his kindness with a wry smile, and then stared at Mink Mouse Jing's small eyes.

What Jin Yuankong said was right, those monsters are indeed worth a lot.

There are more than a dozen treasures in this pile, each of which has precious light, and they are all treasures of the magic weapon level. Compared with the magic weapons that Wang Dashu made himself before, it is a pile of rubbish.

These treasures include beads, weapons such as swords and whips, and books and so on.

But Wang Dashu took a fancy to a decoration at first sight.

The shape of this ornament is a small garden, and there is a smell that Wang Dashu is very familiar with, so he can't help but take it over.

Seeing that Wang Dashu took the ornament, Jin Yuankong couldn't help but raised his thumb and praised: "Young brother has a good vision. This treasure should be refined from a fragment of a blessed land. The inner space can absorb the spiritual energy from the outside world to grow herbs. convenient."

Hearing what Jin Yuankong said, Wang Dashu was able to confirm that this ornament should be the small garden where the monster imprisoned him.

Seeing that Wang Dashu had chosen, Jin Yuankong was not polite, he reached out and took a red bead into his hand, played with it and said with a smile: "This blood flame bead can make my blood quite pure, saving me a lot of money for nothing." Make a killing."

Wang Dashu understood these words.

In any case, after so many years in the three-star cave on the oblique moon, I have learned nothing but learned a lot.

Coincidentally, Wang Dashu also knew this blood flame pearl.

The blood flame bead is refined from hundreds of blood energy beads, which can purify the blood of a thousand-year-old monster, and each blood energy bead needs to be refined by drawing the blood of hundreds of people!

That is to say, such a blood flame bead needs to draw the blood of at least ten thousand people!

Although it is not necessary to kill people to refine it, for those monsters, I am afraid that killing people and drawing blood is faster for refining this bead.

It can also be seen from this that the blood stained on the hands of those monsters is not just from monsters.

Afterwards, Wang Dashu chose two more treasures, but he refused to choose again.

But one of the big knives, even Jin Yuankong was a little amazed, saying that it contains a hint of dark yellow and thick earth, which is most suitable for mink spirits.

Not to mention anything else, just after refining this big knife, it can self-refining the earth attribute monster energy in the marten spirit's body, making it self-improvement in this aspect, which is extremely magical.

In addition to this big knife, there is also a yellow bean that looks like a pea, even Jin Yuankong can't tell its history.

But the beans that can be collected by the demon are naturally not ordinary beans.

This yellow bean is actually the size of a fist, and its outer wood is so hard that not even a sword can leave the slightest scar on its outer shell, but Wang Dashu can vaguely feel that there is a trace of life in it.

There is no doubt that this should be a seed, but I don't know what kind of plant it can grow.

Jin Yuankong put the remaining treasures into a pocket, and then threw a red pocket to Wang Dashu, asking him to put the things in the pocket.

It turned out that these purses turned out to be relatively rare space artifacts. Although the space inside is small, they are considered precious.

What's more, the purse that Jin Yuankong gave to Wang Dashu has the largest internal space, more than ten cubic meters of space, which is completely enough.

But just after Wang Dashu put all the treasures in his pocket, the sky suddenly darkened, which made him feel that something was wrong. When he looked up, the sky was already covered with dark clouds, and there was thunder.

What's the situation?
Thunder Tribulation?

Didn't I just pass through the 200-year thunder disaster?Why are you here again?
Feeling the terrifying and destructive power contained in the dark clouds, beads of sweat on Wang Dashu's forehead were about to fall off.

"The Thunder Tribulation has finally come, Junior Brother, go back first, and I will come back when Senior Brother and I have overcome the Tribulation."

At this moment, Jin Yuankong looked at the dark clouds in the sky and laughed.

That's it!

This turned out to be Jin Yuankong's Thunder Tribulation!

No wonder I didn't notice it before.

Although Wang Dashu felt a little embarrassed to leave just now, one can imagine the horror of a thousand-year-old monster like Jin Yuankong.

As a little demon with 200 years of practice, staying here will not be of any use at all, but will make Senior Brother Jin worry about it.

Thinking of this, Wang Dashu didn't dare to stay any longer, and cupped his fists towards Jin Yuankong: "I wish the senior brother a smooth escape, and the junior brother will go back and wait for the good news."

After speaking, he immediately used the earth escape, and he burrowed into the soil, and quickly fled towards the direction of the oblique moon and three star cave.

Wang Dashu's decision is wise.

Just less than a thousand meters away, there was a thunderclap in the sky, and then several electric snakes filed down and shot down towards the golden circle!
Jin Yuankong is a thousand-year-old monster, and he can be regarded as a veteran in such things as crossing the thunder calamity. Seeing the electric snake shoot down, the golden feather saber in his right hand chopped out, and several golden lights followed. The electric snake hit the head, and the electric light exploded in an instant, turning into countless electric sparks and falling down!
To say that this forest is in bad luck today, before in the fight between Jin Yuankong and the monster, a large area was burned by the black fire and golden light, and there were dead branches and charcoal leaves left after the burning everywhere, but now, The sky full of lightning sparks transformed by the electric snake fell, causing large fires again, almost setting the entire forest ablaze.

(End of this chapter)

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