
Chapter 229 Yin God Mission!?

Chapter 229 Yin God Mission!
I ate an apple that was gnawed by a mouse. Well, the poor man was careless. He never thought that the place where the mouse bit was so coquettish, it was actually hidden in the belly button of the apple, and then he had diarrhea! ! !Pindao wants revenge! ! ! !Cover the Taoist temple with rat stickers inside and out! ! ! ! ——
In this sudden forest fire, animals on fire can be seen everywhere, and the number of animals burned to death during this period is calculated in units of thousands.

If Wang Dashu saw this scene, he might feel somewhat unbearable.

But for Jin Yuankong and the gods who manipulated the thunder light above the dark clouds, all these were the lives of those animals, and they were completely ignored.

Jin Yuankong's resistance seemed to have angered the gods above the dark cloud. After a few breaths, more electric snakes landed, almost turning this world into a world of electric snakes!
At this point, even the golden light that Jin Yuankong slashed out was of no use, it collapsed after colliding with several electric snakes.

At this time, Jin Yuankong turned into a giant golden eagle again, with golden light shining all over his body, and with a slight flick of his wings, countless golden feathers shot out, intercepting those electric snakes.

Not to mention the battle between Jin Yuankong and Thunder Tribulation at this time, but Wang Dashu returned to Xieyue Sanxing Cave, he was really not at ease with Jin Yuankong, so he went to see Song Tongzi, and wanted to ask Song Tongzi to help Jin Yuankong.

After hearing Wang Dashu's intention of coming, Song Tongzi nodded and was satisfied with Wang Dashu's brotherhood, but he was very confident about Jin Yuankong, comforting Wang Dashu not to worry.

Song Tongzi knew that Jin Yuankong would not have any major problems, but Wang Dashu was still a little worried, even because the mink was very tired at this time, he did not dare to interrupt the spiritual connection.

But Jin Yuankong did not live up to Song Tongzi's expectations. In less than half an hour, Jin Yuankong returned with a thunderous aura all over his body. After seeing Wang Dashu, he smiled and invited him to drink.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with Jin Yuankong, Wang Dashu heaved a sigh of relief, and then cut off the spiritual connection. As for the matter of drinking, the mink will naturally take care of it, so he doesn't have to worry about anything.

After breaking the connection with the mind, Wang Dashu didn't have any scruples for the time being, and then he lay down in the meat bag of the flesh god and took a nap for a while, and he didn't wake up until the flesh god arrived at the blue star.

The Flesh God landed near the military base after entering the blue star's atmosphere, and following Wang Dashu's notice, the convoy stationed in the military base also drove towards the Flesh God.

These things are already a routine for Wang Dashu, so there is no need to worry about any problems, so at this time he has time to check the results of the previous tasks.

After the task rewards were issued, Wang Dashu's soul points had increased by 330 points, and his attribute points were as high as 35 points!
Not to mention, the soul points are directly added to the strength of the soul.

The strength of the soul began to increase little by little, and after the strength of the soul broke through the 500-point mark, Wang Dashu suddenly felt as if his body was covered with a thick shell, making himself extremely inflexible and uncomfortable, even if he stretched out his hand There is a violent jerky feeling in this movement.

And this jerky feeling continued to increase as the strength of the soul continued to increase.

When the soul points were exhausted and the strength of the soul increased to 735 points, Wang Dashu felt as if a mountain was crushed on his body, he almost had the illusion of being unable to breathe, and even the feeling of external stimuli was about to be lost.

His eyes seemed to be near-sighted, he couldn't see things a few meters away, his ears seemed to be deaf, and the roar of the convoy outside his body became very small, and he couldn't even smell the peculiar fishy smell of meat sacs. Little bit, you must know that before, Wang Dashu always disliked the fishy smell the most.

What's happening here?
Wang Dashu was a little stunned. Just as he was about to check his body, the system alert sounded.
Urgent reminder!
Introduction: Since the strength of the host's soul is so high that the matching degree with the physical body has dropped to less than 15.00%, the state of soul shelling is about to appear, and the host has two choices.30. Increase the three attributes of intelligence, perception, and charm to more than 10 points.Second, Bing Jie abandons his physical body and transforms into a yin god.Task time: [-] minutes.

Reward: Complete the first goal, reward 1 attribute.Complete the second goal and reward 200 soul points.

Punishment: If the task fails, the host will be forcibly transformed into a Yin God by the system, weakening the strength of the soul by 100 points.
Undoubtedly, this sudden task made Wang Dashu a little stunned.

This task is too extreme, right?

The host's soul is too strong and does not match the physical body. Wang Dashu can probably understand what it means.

To put it bluntly, it was because his soul was too strong and his body was too weak.

But the reward for objective one of this mission is too little, only 1 attribute point, while the reward for objective two is 200 soul points!
The most terrible thing is that the mission failure penalty will still be transformed into a Yin God by the system, and at the same time, the strength of the soul will be weakened by 100 points!
If it is only oriented from interests, Wang Dashu directly chooses to complete the second goal without saying a word!
Anyway, the punishment for mission failure is this, and you can get 200 more soul points out of thin air, why not do it?
But the problem is, Wang Dashu is very clear about transforming into the concept of Yinshen.

To be rude is to become a ghost, to be gentle is to become an independent soul!

If Wang Dashu is a guy who has no worries and has the will to die, he might choose the second target decisively.

But the problem came out, his concern is not small, family, friends!The most important thing is that he is not married yet!
A great life lies ahead, you let me die?What kind of yin god has become?
No matter how great the benefits are, Wang Dashu is not willing.

Of course, perhaps from a systematic point of view, Wang Dashu's transformation into Yinshen is more suitable for completing various tasks in order to achieve its intended purpose.

But just thinking that after becoming a yin god, he would not be able to eat delicious food, wear nice clothes, or even hold the girl's hand, Wang Dashu resolutely focused on the attribute of charm.

After consuming 9 attribute points, the charm attribute increased from 21 points to 30 points.

In an instant, countless warm currents emerged from the body and spread towards the surroundings, making Wang Dashu's body extremely hot. At the same time, there was a severe itching pain, which made his body tense, relax, tense, and relax involuntarily.

Even at the end, thin lines of blood spewed out from his pores, making the flesh sac become a world of blood in astonishment.

When the warm current dissipated, Wang Dashu found that the blood he sprayed out was absorbed by the flesh god, and at this moment he felt that he had become closer to the flesh god.

At the same time, his body was a little itchy. He reached out and wiped it on his arm, and the dry blood fell off along with the skin, revealing smooth and fair skin.

(End of this chapter)

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